Osteoporosis can be cured
Retired as Senior Advisor from Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, Dr Suman Govil never realised that her food choices would invite a whole host of problems.
As a vegetarian I immensely enjoyed dairy products like milk, curd, chaach, paneer, butter and ghee. I never knew that my food choices would invite a whole host of problems. I developed hyperthyroidism, ovarian cysts and dysfunctional uterine bleeding after my daughter’s birth and had to undergo hysterectomy when I was only 35. So, my uterus and both ovaries had to be removed. I developed severe cervical spondylitis and my doctor prescribed whole body bone densitometry which showed osteoporosis in severe to profound category. My gynecologist prescribed alternate hormone therapy, osteophos and calcium supplements. It led to calcification and cyst formation in my breasts which was detected by a mammogram. I was taking all the medicines prescribed by my doctors but the medicine for one problem led to another and I was not getting better.
I also developed hypertension when I was 50 and arthritis in my knees. I was prescribed Telma, Ralista, Jointace DN Super, along with supplements. I never started statins although my cholesterol was high. I tried to control it by making some lifestyle changes like walking, exercising and having a low fat diet. Although my daughter-in-law, who is a certified plant based nutritionist, shared several articles on how the consumption of milk leads to leaching of calcium from bones, I was not willing to give up milk. Our deep rooted conviction that milk is a balanced food and good for health is what does most of the harm.
So, my son gifted me the SHARAN health retreat as my second innings (post retirement) gift in June 2018. This was the best gift, the best vacation of my entire life. By adopting the SHARAN lifestyle, I am off all medications, more energetic and have lost 16 kg. My weight is 2 sizes down from XL to medium. Being a scientist, I believe in evidence and here I am sharing my reports. My bone density was 0.760 g/cm2 in 2000 (when I was 42 years) and in 2019, my bone density has increased to 1.019 g/cm2 at the age of 61 years.
Osteoporosis is considered a progressive disease and deteriorates with age but one year of a whole plant-based diet has reversed my osteoporosis. My CRP, which is indicative of inflammation, came down from 5.2 mg/l to 4.1 mg/l within 3 weeks. My hypertension is also under control and cholesterol levels have also reduced substantially. I’m enjoying my second innings by spreading the message of health. Just by giving up dairy, oil and sugar and adopting healthy eating habits, I feel much healthier and younger. I am not missing anything.
Why don’t you join me in this journey of health?
Butter, Cheese & Buttermilk!
During our Health Week, we showed some amazing recipes including how you can make your non-dairy butter, cheese and buttermilk at home. It’s truly wise to invest in health and start making these delicious alternatives for one’s bones and overall well-being too.
Food for the mind
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