Peanut Milk

Peanut milk works well to make peanut curd, which is good for chaas and curd rice and even raitas, but not so great alone. The tempering in the above dishes helps to hide the peanut taste and it is the best milk to make curds for South Indian style buttermilk and curd-rice.


  • ½ cup unroasted peanuts


Wash and soak the peanuts for 2 hours in water. This should yield about ¾ – 1 cup soaked peanuts. Drain and rinse the soaked peanuts. Blend them in a blender, adding a little water, only if required, one tablespoon at a time, until you obtain a smooth paste . The less water you add, the smoother the paste will be. Then add 3 cups of water to the paste and blend, to yield a liquid that is a little thicker than cow’s milk. Transfer this liquid to a deep pan and bring to a boil, allowing it to boil up 2 – 3 times.  If you like a smoother milk and curd, sieve the mixture. (It is also possible to make the curds without boiling the milk at all. Just take the raw milk, and heat to body temperature. It’s a matter of taste and habit.)

Yields 3½ cups of milk


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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