+91 9769117747

Reversing Diabetes



Did you know that

  • Diabetes is a lifestyle disease and can be reversed?
  • Diabetes and Hypertension have the same cause and therefore are often found hand in hand
  • You can enjoy many of the foods that you have been avoiding (because avoiding them did not help you be free of diabetes) by understanding the real cause of diabetes you may no longer need to avoid many foods that you love?
  • That the complications of diabetes are dreaded and most can be prevented and reversed.
  • That many have reversed diabetes. It need not be a life sentence. Testimonials

What you will receive

  • 5 hours of eye opening information on nutrition and how to change the way you cook
  • Gourmet plant-based meals
  • A booklet packed with all the important notes and information you will need to continue on your path to health.

Click here to get google map direction for venue

Time: 9 am (start with breakfast) and till  5:30 pm.

Fees: £125 per person.

Early Bird Discount: £99 per person till October 25th.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellation before the early bird attracts full refund towards another program. Cancellation after early bird attracts 75% refund.

Ticket type


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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