SHARAN/Does Your Child need Milk?

Does Your Child need Milk?

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Mother to two wonderful children, Dubai based Vineeta Punjabi shares how she decided not to give her children dairy and the effects thereof

My daughter was about 9 months old and my son was 4 years old when I decided to remove dairy products (milk, butter, ghee, paneer, etc.) from their diet. This was after I came across SHARAN and Dr. Nandita’s work.

I went through the works of other plant-based doctors – Dr. Neal Barnard and Dr. Michael Greger, and understood the connection between dairy and lifestyle diseases, including cancer. My sister was very young when she passed away due to cancer, and once I learnt that dairy is linked to it, there was no looking back. I learnt how milk is a cocktail of pus, hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and urea. It is a known fact that countries with the highest per capita milk consumption also have the highest rates of osteoporosis. Hormones in milk can promote breast and prostate cancers. It was also an easy decision to make once I learnt how cruel the dairy industry is. I just didn’t want to support a product that separated mothers from their babies. Shifting to a plant-based lifestyle raised concerns about calcium, protein, and overall growth. I spent many hours researching on the topic and found that a plant-based lifestyle is the healthiest way to live, even for infants. Dr. Benjamin Spock, one of the most esteemed paediatricians of all time, who lived till the age of ninety-four, recommended that children be raised on a plant-based diet with no exposure to meat or dairy products. “Children who grow up getting their nutrition from plant foods have a tremendous health advantage and are less likely to develop health problems as the years go by.”

My children are thriving on the plant-based lifestyle. They have reached their milestones; Their immunity is good (we barely visit the doctor). If they get a cold or flu, within a few days they recover, without the need of medicines or antibiotics. Both are active in sports and academics. I am so grateful to have been able to provide them a healthy foundation.

Dates, Nuts And Seeds Shake

This is a great replacement for your child’s glass of milk.


  • 2 tbsp sesame seeds – raw, organic, unpolished
  • 6 – 8 almonds
  • 6 – 8 dates, pitted
  • 1 cardamom /⅛ tsp cinnamon /4 – 5 strands of saffron (for flavour)
  • ¾ cup drinking water


In a small blender, blend sesame seeds, almonds and the flavouring together, until it forms a powder. Then, add the dates and blend until you obtain a thick paste-like consistency. Add some water if required, to make it smoother. Add more water to obtain the consistency of a shake. Transfer to a tall glass and serve.

Serves 1

Food For The Mind


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Milk for Kids?

Yes…when their own mother produces it. No…when the cow produces it.

Milk is food for growth, which every mammal produces for her young. When it’s not needed, nature automatically stops its production. Humans are the only species that consume another mammal’s milk lifelong. Cows are manipulated in various ways and treated as mere milk machines. They are artificially inseminated; their babies are taken away from them so all their milk can be sold, and they are often injected with hormones to force them to produce more milk. Cows are also routinely given antibiotics to deal with injuries to udders due to the milk machines. Toxins from the plastic and other garbage that cows consume also affect the quality of her milk.

So what will happen if your child doesn’t have milk and milk products?
Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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