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Healthy Holidays

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From the desk of Dr Nandita Shah

Eating healthy is a mindset and once you have this, you will find the food that you want everywhere. Right now I am in the UK and I walked into a supermarket and bought a bag of organic apples. They were delicious. I looked on the internet and went to various vegan restaurants which were close to where I was. My first was a pizzeria in Fulham, Picky Wops that recently ditched meat and dairy. They told me that they turned vegan and just could not contribute to the exploitation of animals any more. Although there was a financial set back, for them it was worth it. I could see that it would not be for long, because their small place was full and it was definitely the best pizza I had ever eaten. The crust was FABULOUS!

I also had a meal at Tibits at Heddon St where you are spoilt for choice. And then I had a meal at 222 Veggie Vegan, which is supposed to be one of the best vegan restaurants and it lived upto its name. I saw people there exclaiming that they could not believe that the food that they had just eaten was vegan. They use largely organic and whole and will cook according to your needs. I also had a look at the vegan supermarket Green Bay and walked into a regular Pret (the Veggie Pret was not on my path) and found that they have absolutely delicious sandwiches and wraps that are marked vegan, and they were healthy too.

Although London is perhaps the easiest for vegans, with a little planning we can get what we are looking for almost anywhere!

Testimonial of Sisse Pederson

Sisse Pederson from Denmark who interned at SHARAN for two months, shares her experience of visiting an organic farm near Mumbai, and how it’s so refreshing to be in nature, even if it is only for one day!

Living in Mumbai can be quite the experience especially considering the fact that I grew up in a small town in Northern Europe where the air is fresh and nature is more predominant than concrete! So naturally it is a big change and sometimes a challenge for me having to adjust and find my own personal rhythm when exploring this incredible metropolis.

Being in and around nature and having that support she offers at all times, is done in such a silent manner that it can take a while before you realise what is missing.

So on a Saturday in February, a tour was organised by SHARAN and Natures Gram to go check out where the organic vegetables made available at the Organic Market in Juhu, are grown. We were given a warm welcome at the farm in Manor by Archana and her happy dogs. Before the breakfast which was made without oil, Anney and Shaku gave a small talk about the health benefits of a delicious and healthy smoothie along with a demonstration. This was made with fresh greens from the land and water from a private well.

As many children and their parents had chosen to spend the day at the farm there was a brief introduction before the group walked around the property picking vegetables. All were thoroughly enjoying the fresh air along with the space to run around and numerous pictures were taken.

A beautiful organic and dairy free lunch was served and good conversation was had by all. Most people chose to go on a small hike where the view and cool breeze added to the “out of the city experience”.

Escaping the summer heat by getting out of Mumbai and experiencing beautiful rural India whilst replenishing your energy is a good way to spend a day off. It will inject a sense of wellbeing for you and your family and restore the natural balance which assists your body and mind in healing.

These days where so much of our time is spent inside, sitting down and mostly receiving only artificial light, getting back in touch with nature and thereby yourself is very important. Farm visits are a detoxifying way which enables your whole family to brave yet another week.

Travel recipes

We have quite a few travel recipes on our website and that too according to your duration! Check them out on https://sharan-india.org/recipes/useful-recipes-while-traveling/

Food for Thought


If you love Facebook, then join us to be supported on your plant based journey. We offer 3 possibilities from 1st Jan 2016.

1. SHARAN India
This is SHARAN’s main Facebook page which you can like and follow for getting useful daily updates and news from the plant based health world. You will also get news about the latest SHARAN events, see testimonials, and more.

2. SHARAN’s Vegan Support Group
This is an open support group to know more about vegan/plant-based lifestyle. Here you can ask questions and share inspiring stories, tips, recipes, etc.

3. SHARAN’s Plant Powered Health
This is the new group only for the past attendees of SHARAN’s events: seminars, cooking classes, retreats or longer programs.

All our doctors and presenters will be here to answer your questions and give you tips. If you have attended our events join this group to be a part of our family.

Please like the main SHARAN page and join the group(s) applicable to you.

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Travel with Health

Can holidays be healthy? SHOULD holidays be healthy is probably the right question! Isn’t it the time to let go, indulge and enjoy! It absolutely is, however why not garnish it with health too? That way the fun gets even better! For health ensures energy, vitality and well-being – the pre-requisites to real fun!

Ever heard of the term – I need a holiday after a holiday! As you come back feeling exhausted, confused, lethargic and sick at times, you wish to postpone work and the routine seems drab. However, what about a holiday where you feel refreshed, rejuvenated and waiting to get back to your home and work. That’s what a real holiday is and that’s absolutely what health offers.

Eating delicious healthy food and staying away from the wrong food does miracles! You can do much more in the time you have and truly enjoy your holiday.

Tips to include Health in your Travels..

1. Whatever destination you may choose, you can ensure health anywhere

All you need to do is be prepared. So log unto your computer and search about healthy food options, organic stores, vegan-friendly hotels and restaurants at your destination. One very rarely gets disappointed here!

2. Choose a house-stay or a hotel apartment if possible

In this way you can whip up your smoothies, store your fruits and salads and sometimes cook as a family too, if time permits.

3. Carry healthy snacks along with you

Nuts, dry-fruits, khakras, energy bars, oil-free theplas, organic fruits etc can be carried along. We have some recipes on our website too.

4. Choose flights which provide vegan options

However do carry something to eat on the flight too, for it’s better to be safe than sorry! If you are travelling by road or rail, the same thing applies!

5. Voice your preferences

While dining out, request the staff for oil-free and dairy-free options. There will always be something there. However listen to your body’s preference too! You don’t want to over-eat and feel sick, so stop when you feel 80% full!

6. Buy local and feel like one!

It’s fun going to the local organic store and buying fresh fruits and salad vegetables that you can carry with you the whole day.

7. Sleep early and rise early

That really makes a BIG difference. Watch the sun rise, go for a short walk or run, stretch, enjoy the fresh air before you step out for sight-seeing.

8. Feature Nature in your travel

Try and do some activity close to nature. Staying in a nature resort is another cool option. Natures only gives but are we ready to take?

9. Cut down on alcohol or fizzy drinks

These only drain you. Opt for water, fresh juices or lemonades.


10. Try something you have never done before

New experiences are great for mental health. Scuba-diving, a new massage therapy, volunteering at a local organisation, visiting a mine, joining a class…there are options galore!  

11. Play games

While you are travelling or having a meal, play interesting word or board games as a family. At dinner, review the whole day and ask each other what was the best part of the day, and which experience was not as good!

12. Gratitude

Before retiring for the day, each member shares three things that they are grateful for.

To read more on Travel & Health on our website, click  https://sharan-india.org/travelling-vegan/


This newsletter was compiled by SHARAN Associate Reyna K Rupani, who is based in Mumbai. She facilitates the Six Weeks to Health & Weight loss program and also conducts Health talks for schools, groups, corporates and more. Find out how she has benefited in so many ways by going on a whole plant-based diet here

Sanctuary for Health and Re-connection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a non-profit organisation with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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