SHARAN/Very Berry Strawberry

Very Berry Strawberry

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Testimonial of Madhu Lilothia

Madhu Lilothia, who is the deputy manager at Air India, earlier believed that she could only live upto the age of 60 years and now she  is sure that she can live up to 100 years if she follows the whole-plant based diet. Listen to her story where she explains how she has improved her diabetes, blood pressure and her thyroid levels too…

Strawberry Tart

Here is a delicious strawberry tart recipe. Do remember the 10 nuts a day rule though! Also you could also replace the cashews with tender coconut cream too!

Ingredients for crust

  • 1 cup raw almond

  • ½ cup large dates, pitted

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • pinch of salt

Ingredients for cream

  • 1 cup cashews, soaked 2-4 hours and drained

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 1/4 date paste

  • 2 tbsp lime juice

Ingredients for topping

  • 2 cups sliced strawberrie


In a food processor, pulse the almonds into a flour. Add the dates, vanilla extract and salt. Pulse until the mixture begins to clump together. Press firmly and evenly into a 9 inch springform pan. Set aside in the refrigerator. In a blender combine the cream ingredients until smooth. Pour the cream over the crust and assemble the strawberries.

Serves 5-6

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Strawberries are health beauties in disguise!

Did you know that in ancient Roman literature, its mentioned that strawberries were used for medicinal purpose! Yes these juicy, attractive and delicious berries are nutrient rich too! They are packed with antioxidants like Vitamin C and have a whole load of surprising health benefits!

Plus they are low in calories, fat-free, high in water content and low on both sodium and sugar! Nature’s health is so sweet, so rosy and cannot harm but only heal (subject you buy organic of course). We just need to embrace it all and it works wonders for us…

Read 10 reasons why you should eat strawberries…

2. Promote eye health

The Vitamin C factor in them also help to prevent cataracts and act as a protective shield, strengthening the eye’s cornea and retina.

3. Help fight cancer

The ellagic acid found in strawberries has anti-cancer properties like suppressing cancer cell growth. Also with the presence of anti-oxidants, they neutralize the potentially negative effect on our cells.

4. Are wrinkle fighters

With production of collagen, the skin’s elasticity improves and this results in younger and healthier looking skin.

5. Fight bad cholesterol

They contain powerful heart health boosters by counteracting the effect of LDL – bad cholesterol. This helps in diabetes prevention too.

6. Reduce inflammation

Research shows that women who eat 16 or more strawberries per week are 14% less likely to have inflammation in the body. This help

7. Regulate blood pressure

Strawberries are a medium source of potassium which help in regulating blood pressure..

8. Boosts fibre in-take

Which in turn helps in digestion.

9. Pregnancy

Strawberries also have folic acid

10. Depression

Mood lifters indeed!
Sanctuary for Health and Re-connection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a non-profit organisation with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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