The Magic of Mangoes

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Testimonial of Paula Ribeiro

Paula Ribeiro, is type 1 diabetic since the age of 16 years. She also suffers from hypothyroid. Watch her video of her  21-day journey with SHARAN. She was on 8 units long acting insulin plus upto 24 units of short acting insulin. In just 21 days she was on only 3 units of long acting insulin and 9 units of short acting insulin per day!

Mango Mousse

Cool yourself with this delicious mango mousse, which is sugar-free and dairy-free too, and so easy to make!


  • 1 kg mango pulp

  • 200 gms date

  • 3 tbs husk/wheat bran

  • 300 gms banana

For the crust:

  • 1 kg grated coconut

  • 300 gms date

  • Crushed nuts to bind


Spread a layer as the crust base. Blend the mousse ingredients and spoon on top. Freeze and serve. Serves 15-20

Food for Thought


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Mangoes are more than just SWEET!

Mother Nature is amazing! She packs the sweetest fruits with doses of nutrition so that we enjoy and be healthy too. A true mother indeed!

Mangoes, her latest offering in the summer season, are so delicious, people rarely think about the array of health benefits they provide! Did you know that mangoes are high in nutrients too? No wonder this superfood is entitled ‘the king of fruits’!

Read on to know how mangoes help your health….

2. Lowers Cholesterol

The fruit consists of high levels of fibre and Vitamin C which help lower the bad cholesterol.

3. Improves Eye health

Mangoes are rich in vitamin A, so they are good for your eyes too!

4. Helps in Digestion

Fibre rich, mangoes ease digestion and elimination

5. Helps with Heat Stroke

Yes the raw mango drink does the trick! It helps to cool down the body.

6. Prevents Cancer

Research states that the antioxidant compounds in the mango fruit are found to protect the body against different types of cancer.

7. Asthma prevention

Beta-carotene found in mangoes reduces the risk of developing asthma.

8. Helps in Diabetes

Yes mangoes help to normalise insulin levels in blood. Also it has a relatively low glycemic index.

9. Good for the Heart too

The fibre, potassium and vitamin content in mangoes all help to ward off heart disease.


10. Rich in iron

Especially recommended for menopausal and pregnant women.
Sanctuary for Health and Re-connection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a non-profit organisation with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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