SHARAN/World Diabetes Day Special

World Diabetes Day Special

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'I was completely off my diabetes medicines in 3 months!'

70 year Mumbai based Sudhakar VN, shares his journey of healing his diabetes and other issues and how he enjoys a life without medicines now.

I was diabetic with high cholesterol and high BP for which I have been taking medicines for over 18 years. In April 2021, my wife suggested why not we start a plant-based diet by SHARAN. When she mentioned that one of the items that I could miss was my favourite yogurt, I was not in its favour. However, she was positively influenced by her close friend Jaishree Kannan that delicious alternatives are available and that I wouldn't miss anything! 

So I started consulting Dr Lakshmi Sunder who made me comfortable with her patience and valuable timely guidance. We had regular zoom calls when she guided me through my diet. Most important was the morning green smoothies which I cherish to date. Of course, I did not miss my yogurt at all. She gradually weaned me off my medicines by reducing the dosage initially. In three months I was off my diabetes medicines and then by 1st Dec 2021, I was completely off all my medicines! This was nothing short of a miracle for me. My wife and I enjoyed the journey and we continue to follow the diet. I feel much more energetic now and though I was never over-weight, I also lost 8 kilos as the body cleansed. 

I also attended the week-long retreat organized by SHARAN, where I met up with a super energetic team of Capt Joseph, Vandana, Christina and Kommal. It was a wonderful break from our routine and the vegan food prepared in front of us was out of the world. The days started with meditation, yoga, appreciation and affirmations followed by some fun activities. Participants came from different regions of the country and we bonded very well and became a family. 

Thank you, Dr Nandita Shah and SHARAN. You have made a difference in our life and that of many others.

Zesty Green Smoothie

Most diabetics are asked to avoid bananas, but fruits are not the cause of diabetes! So when you go on a whole food plant based diet, you can enjoy all the bananas, mangos, potatoes etc and still maintain your blood sugar levels. Do try this delicious green smoothie recipe; we are certain you will love it!


  • ⅓ cup fresh mint leaves (pudina)
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2-3 peeled, frozen large ripe bananas, chopped and slightly defrosted
  • 1 tsp orange zest
  • ½ tsp grated unpeeled ginger
  • 1 tbsp soaked raisins
  • 2 cups water


Take mint leaves and lemon juice in a blender. Add some of the bananas and blend until the mint leaves are well minced. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth. Add 2 cups water and blend. Pour into glasses and serve immediately.

Serves 3-4

Food For The Mind


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1. SHARAN India is SHARAN's main Facebook page which you can like and follow for getting useful daily updates and news from the plant based health world. You will also get news about the latest SHARAN events, see testimonials, and more.

2. SHARAN's Vegan Support Group is an open support group to know more about vegan/plant-based lifestyle. Here you can ask questions and share inspiring stories, tips, recipes, etc.

All our doctors and presenters will be here to answer your questions and give you tips. If you have attended our events join this group to be a part of our family.

Please like the main SHARAN page and join the group(s) applicable to you.


Diabetes need not be a life sentence

Preventing and getting rid of diabetes is not difficult and the joy of being healthy is far more than anything else. During our 21-Day Health Retreat people get excellent results in just 21 days, while having a good time. The goal of the retreat is not just to get the results but to ingrain new habits so that they can be continued lifelong.

Here are some healthy habits that you can incorporate into your life in order to stay healthy.
Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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