SHARAN/The Mind Body Connection

The Mind Body Connection

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A Journey of Healing

A recurrence of cancer forced SHARAN Facilitator Jaishree Kannan to listen to her body.

Does our body truly speak to us? For years, I couldn’t fully grasp this idea—until life left me with no choice but to listen. In 2008, after enduring surgery and chemotherapy for cancer, I was heartbroken when the disease returned just nine months later. Another surgery followed, removing cancerous nodules, and I found myself confined to a hospital bed, struggling with overwhelming pain and frustration. More chemotherapy was advised once I recovered from the surgery.

But in the stillness of that hospital room, something unexpected happened. I heard a small, yet profound, voice from within: “You need to forgive.” At first, I didn’t know what or whom I needed to forgive, but I simply responded, “I am willing to forgive, whoever it is, for the sake of my healing.” That moment of surrender brought an unexpected wave of peace, and I soon drifted into the most restful sleep I had had in days. When I woke, I felt renewed, and soon after, my doctor encouraged me to take my first steps out of bed.

With chemotherapy having failed to prevent the return of cancer the first time, I knew I needed to make deeper changes. I overhauled my diet, embracing raw, nourishing foods, and turned inward to heal the emotions I believed were at the root of the disease. I immersed myself in Louise Hay’s teachings, applying her wisdom and practices in my journey to heal.

Since that time, I’ve learned to not just treat my body, but to truly communicate with it, responding with love and understanding. My healing became more than physical—it was an inner transformation.  Even recently, when I fractured my collarbone, I immediately connected with the pain, offering it love and forgiveness, just as I had learned to do with my cancer. Remarkably, my arm healed within three weeks, supported by metaphysical practices that aligned my body and spirit.

Through these experiences, I’ve realised that our bodies possess incredible wisdom and power to heal – if only we take the time to truly listen, connect, and treat it with love and gratitude.

Coconut Barfi 

Sweeten your taste buds with this delicious and healthy recipe and think only good and positive thoughts while making it:)


  • 2 cups desiccated coconut/fresh coconut
  • ½ cup coarsely powdered cashew nuts
  • ¼ cup dry dates powder
  • ½ tsp cardamom powder
  • 1 cup raisins, or as required to bind the barfi
  • ⅛ tsp unrefined salt


Mix all the ingredients together (except the raisins), very well. Mash the raisins and knead them into the coconut mixture. Press this mixture into a wide stainless steel dish and cut into desired shapes. Garnish with desiccated coconut. Refrigerate the barfi for 6-8 hours before unmoulding. Store in the refrigerator.

Makes about 25 squares

Food For The Mind


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Your body is talking; are you listening?

Our body is always speaking to us. Any symptom – an ache, a cold, a fever is your body letting you know that something is wrong.  

The message could mean that you need to change something – take rest, change your food and lifestyle or even change your thoughts! When you make the right changes the symptoms disappear.

When Louise Hay heard the idea that you can change your life by changing your thoughts, she grasped at it. Her life so far had been nothing but a roller coaster ride. But she started  using this idea on herself and later used the same to help thousands. She saw certain commonalities between people with similar ailments and their thought processes and jotted these down in her book, ‘You Can Heal Your Body’. Later in her life, she used the same techniques to heal herself of cancer without medical intervention – the true test of the connection of mind and body.

Below are some of her observations. You can see if this resonates and if yes, work with her book, ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ and make changes to your thoughts, and eventually your life.
Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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