SHARAN/What To Do in A Fever

What To Do in A Fever

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'I have learnt to always give time to my body to heal by itself'

Mumbai-based lawyer Sonali Pawar shares how she decided to take her health in her own hands after not having much relief from medications. She also applied the same principles for her 8-year-old daughter…

In February 2024, I got throat infections back-to-back in a week's time so I consulted a physician who prescribed antibiotics and paracetamol although I didn’t have a fever then. He also prescribed a blood thinner. I only took the antibiotics, but after completing the course, within a period of 15 days, I got a throat
infection again! It was then that I took my health in my hands and treated my sore throat without any medicines. It has been four months now and the infection has not recurred.  

For the throat infection I did salt water gargles followed by one rinse with baking soda water. This worked wonders and by the next morning my infection was cured. To be on a safer side I repeated the gargles twice the next day. I also had a stomach infection and I simply had coconut water, banana and vegetable soup throughout the day. Towards the end of the day, I was feeling better however I got chills and fever. I immediately wore my winter jacket and went to sleep. After one hour I was sweating and there was no fever. I was completely alright the next day although there was weakness due to stomach infection and fever but it subsided on the third day and I was absolutely fine. 

Recently my 8-year-old daughter was down with a cough and cold. She had a runny nose followed by fever. I didn’t give her anything for a runny nose but for fever when I put her to sleep; I made her wear her winter jacket and kept an eye on her fever. Within two hours or so, she was sweating, and her fever was gone. She just had fruits, a vegetable soup and rice kanji. She was alright the next day with no fever and no running nose. In fact, I have no paediatrician for my daughter and even when she was a baby, I would heal her cough/cold/fever with natural home-made remedies. I have learnt to always give time to my body to heal by itself rather than forcing some medicine down my throat.

Tomato Mint Soup 

Tomato Mint soup makes you feel so comfortable. This light & warm soup will ease you if you are feeling low and even otherwise; it's a lovely soup to have along with a salad.


  • 2 tsp cumin (jeera) seeds
  • 2 tsp chopped garlic
  • 2 tsp chopped fresh red/green chillies
  • 2 tsp chopped mint
  • 4 cups roughly chopped tomatoes
  • 4 cups vegetable stock or dal water
  • Unrefined salt to taste
  • 2 tbsp roasted seeds (watermelon, sunflower, etc.) for the garnish


In a heated pan, add cumin seeds and let them crackle. Add chopped garlic and sauté until light brown. Add the chopped red/green chillies and sauté. Add roughly chopped tomatoes and sauté. Add vegetable stock or dal water and bring to a boil. Add salt. Simmer until tomatoes are cooked. Check for taste. Add seasoning, if needed. Garnish with roasted seeds and chopped mint. Serve hot.

Serves 4

Food For The Mind


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Dos and Don’ts for fever

We have been taught to believe that a fever is bad. Instead, we need to thank our body for having the energy to build up a temperature so that the invading organism cannot multiply efficiently,  and  be grateful that we are aware that we have to assist the body to heal by giving it ample rest, plenty of fluids and only simple food if any. Here are some tips to handle any fever.
Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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