SHARAN/Joyful festivities: how to celebrate mindfully

Joyful festivities: how to celebrate mindfully

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Birthdays with a difference

Watch how celebrations can be mindful and cruelty-free

Delightful Date Sweets

This is an easy-peasy recipe which is a great alternative to sweets (mithais) which are otherwise laden with refined sugars, milk, oil and more. It’s pretty quick to make too!


  • 1 packet of the best quality whole black dates with seeds
  • 100 g walnuts
  • 100 g almonds
  • 1 tbsp date paste


Slit each date and carefully remove the seed from within, without breaking the date.

Variety 1

In half the dates, in place of the seed, stuff  a piece of walnut, so that a part of the walnut sticks out. That’s it! And it tastes great.

Variety 2 

This one needs a little more effort but it is nice to serve both the varieties together. Pour boiling water over the almonds and wait for 3 – 4 minutes. Peel them. Grind the almonds with the date paste, form ovals and stuff the dates with these. Serve.

Variations Serve the dates stuffed with blanched whole almonds or whole cashew nuts. Serves 2

Food For The Mind


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Infuse health into festivitie

True enjoyment comes from health. Only if you are healthy can you enjoy anything. Mostly during festivals, weddings and special occasions, we abuse our minds and bodies with the wrong food, stress and lack of sleep. Instead, we can celebrate with health and mindfulness. You will realise that you enjoy it even more, as the satisfaction generated is multi-fold. You have to try it to believe it. Find out how…
Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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