Testimonial of Suchitra Karnani
New Delhi based Suchitra Karnani chanced upon Dr.Shah’s Reversing Diabetes in 21 days book and things just fell into place!
I was diagnosed with thyroid about a year ago and was surprised! I was only 41 years old and leading such an active life; how could this happen to me?! It’s then that I decided to take care of myself. My sister-in-law in Hyderabad who also has thyroid and blood sugar, was also working on herself and had attended the Freedom from Diabetes program. That’s where she learnt about Dr. Nandita Shah, who was Dr. Tripathi’s mentor and bought the book.
I slowly started just following whatever she did, but without much understanding. It was when I visited her and saw Dr. Shah’s book, ‘Reversing Diabetes in 21 Days’, I started understanding more. I am so impressed with the way she has explained why veganism is the lifestyle for a sustainable future. I have explained in her words to my two teenage children who were non-vegetarians, and now they are both trying to avoid milk and meat in all forms. My daughter looks really motivated and even makes different types of vegan smoothies for herself every morning. I’m really happy when she does that. I will not say they have become vegan as they have given in to chocolates and ice creams, though rarely…but each time I tell them that the choice is theirs – as they are young adults.
Meanwhile I’m feeling really energised following this new path!!!
Sweet & Sour Beetroot Delight
This tangy and rather delicious salad is from our Salad A Day WhatsApp initiative for World Health Day. Salads are a super easy way to top up your raw and nutritional intake.
We generally tend to ponder about what to cook. Instead, let’s shift to what salad to make for lunch or dinner! This one step will go a long way in bringing health to your family.
2 medium sized beetroots grated
Juice of one lemon
1 tbsp date paste
2 tbsp soaked raisins (optional)
4 tbsp cashew nuts cut into piece
12 roasted black peppercorn
4 cloves roasted
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves finely chopped
Salt to taste
Make the dressing by mixing lemon juice, salt, date paste and mint. Crush black pepper and cloves into a powder.
Mix grated beetroot, dressing, roasted powder and half of the cashew pieces.
Garnish the salad with rest half of the cashews and a leaf of mint before serving.
Food for the Mind

If you love Facebook, then join us to be supported on your plant based journey. We offer 3 possibilities from 1st Jan 2016.
1. SHARAN India This is SHARAN’s main Facebook page which you can like and follow for getting useful daily updates and news from the plant based health world. You will also get news about the latest SHARAN events, see testimonials, and more.
2. SHARAN’s Vegan Support Group This is an open support group to know more about vegan/plant-based lifestyle. Here you can ask questions and share inspiring stories, tips, recipes, etc.
3. SHARAN’s Plant Powered Health This is the new group only for the past attendees of SHARAN’s events: seminars, cooking classes, retreats or longer programs.
All our doctors and presenters will be here to answer your questions and give you tips. If you have attended our events join this group to be a part of our family.
Please like the main SHARAN page and join the group(s) applicable to you.
Nowadays when one is detected with high blood pressure, it’s considered quite normal. After a certain age, almost everyone gets high blood pressure, so what’s the big deal? Just pop pills for life, reduce salt intake and you are sorted!
High blood pressure can present with symptoms that are seemingly innocous – erectile dysfunction, vertigo, breathlessness, memory loss etc. Over a period of time there can be more serious complications, as it can damage the arteries, leading to heart issues, dementia, stroke, blindness, and more. That’s why it’s important to keep a regular check. It’s so easy to prevent and even reverse hypertension, so why not?
Read on to learn a few steps that you can take to keep on top of your blood pressure.
1) Go Plant-based
All animal products including dairy contain fats, which cause thickening and narrowing of the arteries. Simply go in for high fibre foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
2) Stop processed foods
We generally tend to think that we put hardly a spoon of salt in our dish. However a higher proportion of our intake of salt actually comes from packaged foods, which are loaded with salt.
3) Lose Weight
As weight increases, so does the blood pressure. Even reducing a little weight has an impact on your levels.
4) Drinking tea and coffee also has an effect
Both tea and coffee raise the blood pressure .
5) Quit Smoking
Each cigarette that you smoke increases your blood pressure for many minutes after you finish.
6) Exercise regularly
Exercising every day has a great positive impact on our body and helps reduce both stress and blood pressure.
7) Reduce your stress
Challenges will keep coming, it’s how you handle them that makes all the difference. Stress surely raises blood pressure. If one simply shifts focus on finding the solution, rather than overthinking about the problem, stress will surely reduce. For every problem has a solution.