SHARAN/Good or bad? Unlocking the truth about cholesterol

Good or bad? Unlocking the truth about cholesterol

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So many misconceptions about our diet got cleared here

In our 21-Day Health Retreat, Kenya-based Satinder and Resham Bain learnt that only animals produce cholesterol. Human beings are also animals, and so we produce it too. However, all the excess cholesterol comes from animal products, including dairy, in our diet. Cutting out all animal products will bring down cholesterol levels naturally. 

Broccoli in White Sauce  

This deliciously healthy white sauce is going to leave you surprised!


  • 250 g broccoli, broken into florets
  • ½ a medium-sized cauliflower
  • Unrefined salt and pepper to taste
  • ½ tsp dried oregano
  • ½ a leek, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • Home-made khakhra bits to sprinkle


Steam the cauliflower and blend half of it into a paste. Add salt, pepper and oregano, to make a ‘white sauce’. In a pan, sauté the leek until softened (add a little water if necessary). Add the white sauce and 1 cup of water and bring to a boil. Add the broccoli and the remaining cauliflower and season with basil. Take it off the heat once the sauce thickens slightly and the broccoli is tender. Sprinkle with broken bits of khakhra and serve.

Serves 2-3

Food For The Mind


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Cholesterol: The Good and the Bad of It                          

One of the biggest myths is that nuts are high in cholesterol. Cholesterol is produced by the liver and plants don’t have livers! But animals do – so meat, dairy, eggs and even fish are full of cholesterol. Humans are animals so we also need, and therefore produce, cholesterol. However, too many of us have high levels which may lead to problems.

High cholesterol per se isn’t harmful. It’s only when the cholesterol lining the arteries narrows them, that the blockages cause the problems. Is it possible to reverse or prevent this? Absolutely!  

The answers to these 6 simple questions will help you understand cholesterol.
Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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