Festive Times
In India, August is filled with so many holidays! Raksha Bandhan, Janmashtami, Independence Day, Ganesh Chaturthi! Long weekends in the monsoon. It’s definitely a great break from the monotony of the daily grind.
August also beckons the festive season, which continues till the month of March when summer sets in. As the gusto picks up momentum, we get swayed in the celebrations.
Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, naming-ceremonies, death-ceremonies, divorce parties and more actually quite sum up the whole calendar year! So junk food laden with oil and ghee, sweets, alcohol, late nights, hangovers, shopping, new clothing, gifts, etc easily seduce us.
The rains bring back the greenery and beauty to the land. What a great time to sit back, relax and reflect on the meaning of these and other holidays, and to celebrate them in their true spirit rather than with rituals. Nature in her glory nurtures all life. Despite all the destruction to the planet there is still hope. We are all connected. By truly healing ourselves we can heal the planet too.
Reflect on how you can make Health and Environment a part of your festivities!
1. Why celebrate?
Most people have no idea why are they performing a ritual or celebrating a festival. Take the time to find out. The Ganesha festival was organized for a reason – to promote nationalism and get people together for an independent India.
2. Educate yourself
Learn some health tips. Take time out to read books, blogs, articles or watch health films or even attend health related programs. Without health, you can’t enjoy the party anyway!
3. Healthy food is delicious
Most people associate healthy food with steamed vegetables that are drab and boring! On the contrary, whole plant based food can easily be prepared in a way that is quite unbelievably delicious. The SHARAN website (www.sharan-india.org) boasts over 200 recipes. An internet search will yield many more. And recipe books help add to the collection.
4. Go Eco-friendly
Besides all that unhealthy food, most of our festivals are terrible for the environment too. Ganesh Chathurthi is celebrated with plaster of Paris idols that destroy life in rivers, streams and oceans. Diwali has become a leading cause of air pollution with all the fireworks. Holi means toxic colors everywhere. Makar Sankranti manjas cut off birds wings leave tangles here and there. Id celebrations spell death for millions of animals. The list goes on. Do we really want to destroy our planet and life on it with every festival?
5. Be Unique

Why not celebrate a festival at an orphanage or an old age home and bring cheer to the less fortunate?
6. Time change

Sleep rejuvenates and heals the body. Why not celebrate during the day or in the evenings. Why do parties have to be late at night?
7. Share Health

If you are invited to party, carry a delicious healthy dish. It’s a great way to introduce others to health and gain support for your lifestyle!
8. Be Choosy
Choose your celebrations with care. If you go to fewer parties you enjoy them far more.
9. Keep Moving

Be physically active too when you are socially active. Celebrating together could also mean playing a sport together, going out for bowling or trekking, swimming or dancing and not just food and drinks!
10. Budget it out

Nobody remembers a wedding or a party! Memories are formed by thoughtful gestures and not from lavish outbursts. Spend wisely.
11. Eat to feel good
Eat mindfully and not till you are over-full!
12. Gift Health

Book an exercise class or a zumba workout as a gift. Present health books or recipe books. Gift a cooking class for a change!
13. Keep the cosmetics at bay

Go natural. The glow from healthy eating wins over any beauty treatment!