SHARAN/Ethical Investments: how to align your actions with your values

Ethical Investments: how to align your actions with your values

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If my plate of food is cruelty-free, then my financial investments should also be cruelty-free

Amit, a firm believer in ahimsa, realised that to be truly compassionate, our financial investments should avoid supporting companies that are not.

Hello, I am Amit, a software architect by profession. I have been an ethical investor since 2016. From my early college days, I had heard many Jainism lectures on ahimsa and compassion towards animals. Being a member of BWC, I was familiar with their investment guides which were thoroughly researched and published periodically. These guides reconfirmed to me that our usual financial investments lead to massive animal suffering. The animal cruelty caused by this lifestyle factor is exponentially greater than others including food, clothing, household goods etc. Since then, I have had this thought that if my food plate is non-veg-free I should try and keep my investments also non-veg-free. 

When the onus of managing our investments was transferred to me by my father, I started structuring them to achieve my goal. The BWC investment guide was a good starter in confirming that the popular investment choice of mutual funds is almost a no-no because their holdings are many and constantly changing. Analysing and choosing the companies I should promote and gain profits from was the way out. 

Through a combination of self-learning and professional financial services, I could align my investments with my ahimsak values, making them as green as possible. As I learnt the challenges in ethical investments and their solutions, I started collating them to roll out an informative website called

Looking at India’s growth in meat export, pharma and animal husbandry in recent years, I am very satisfied that I have done my bit in not investing in these sectors thereby reducing the suffering that animals go through when such commercial businesses expand.

Vegan Custard Cream

Custard cream generally uses gelatine which comes from animals. However, our recipe uses agar agar which is plant-based and a great alternative. Try it and be surprised!


  • ½ L of any one of the following, or a mixture of all or a few of them – coconut milk, cashew milk, rice milk and soy milk (These milks are mixed so as not to give the cream any specific taste. This can easily be done by blending a mixture of cooked rice, cashew nuts and grated coconut with warm water in the blender and straining the puree. Soy milk can be added later).
  • Date paste
  • Unrefined salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla beans
  • 1½ tsp agar agar powder
  • Cinnamon powder for sprinkling on top


Add just enough sweetener to the milk to get the right amount of sweetness that you desire. Add a dash of salt and the vanilla beans or extract to add to the taste. Add some agar agar (about 2½ tsp of flakes works with ½ litre of liquid or 1½ tsp powder with ½ litre of liquid). Mix all these and heat in a pot, on low heat and allow to simmer for the agar agar to dissolve. Scoop out a portion in a spoon and place in the refrigerator to check if the agar agar is sufficient to set the custard. If it does not set, add more agar agar. Keep in mind that it should not become too hard. The custard can be applied on a cake and set in the refrigerator. Garnish with cinnamon and serve.

Food For The Mind


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Being aware and informed is the key to aligning your actions with your values

We can’t change what we don’t know. As so many forms of cruelty are hidden, here are some examples to get you thinking of what you can do differently besides eating vegan.
Sanctuary for Health and Re-connection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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