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    SHARAN/Are You Kind To Your Kidneys?

Are You Kind To Your Kidneys?

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From the desk of Dr Nandita Shah

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has almost become a household name these days. The number of patients that I see now with CKD has surpassed all the previous years. What could be the reason for this?

In my opinion we are living in a culture of disease where we believe that after a certain age diabetes and hypertension are normal. We just go to the doctor and take medications for these. The fact that we have been diagnosed and will require medication for the rest of our life doesn’t seem to bother us much because this is what everybody is doing.

Unfortunately, both diabetes and hypertension can result in chronic kidney failure. The combination of these is even more deadly. The kidneys are organs of excretion and help throw out impurities from our body, including medicines, chemicals etc. As the medicine load on the body increases, the kidneys are further under pressure.

When the kidneys are damaged, serum urea, BUN or creatinine are high and electrolyte imbalance can occur. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) can lead to decreased haemoglobin, vitamin D and high PTH, upsetting the calcium levels too.

CKD, is quite prevalent today and all too often leads to dialysis or kidney transplant. Kidney transplants are not always the best solution because the recipient needs to be on immunosuppressants for the rest of their life and the resulting lowered immunity can lead to yet other infections, complications and death.

Wouldn’t it be better to consider our health as the only insurance that really works and take care of it NOW?

Vegan India Conference, India’s largest plant based conference is back in Mumbai this year on 6th & 7th July at the Holiday Inn. Focusing on Health, Food & Fashion, there will be talks, workshops, networking and lots more. Dr Nandita Shah will also be a part of the panel discussion. There is a special discount code for SHARAN followers.  Register on https://www.veganindiaconference.com/events/buy-passes Share CODE: SHARAN750 to get an instant ₹750 discount on all tickets.

Treating & Reversing Stage 3 Kidney Disease

This special video by Dr Michael Gregor is a must watch, as it gives us positive hope in the power of plant based eating for chronic kidney failure.

Hearty & Healthy Cold Soup


Summer is the time for light and wholesome meals. This cold soup fits the bill perfectly.

Food For The Mind


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Chronic Kidney Disease                                    

Our body always works to heal. For any disease, if we understand what the causes are and remove them, the body will heal naturally. Our body has many reserves. We have two kidneys, even though we can do with only one. The tragedy is that our lifestyles have become so unhealthy that more and more people are suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD), which means they have used up all of the body’s reserves. It is absolutely vital to nip CKD in the bud, before the onset of dialysis, and definitely before one ends up requiring a kidney transplant.

Read on to find out the causes of CKD, and how you can avoid it:

1. Milk & Dairy

Urea is a common adulterant to milk – it makes the milk look thicker as if it had a higher protein and fat content and may prevent the curdling of milk especially when it is transported in high temperatures without refrigeration. Milk is also high in animal proteins which are toxic to our kidneys.

2. Fat

Fat in the blood stream eventually narrows the arteries resulting in less blood flow to the kidneys and raising the blood pressure. Fat is found in oil, ghee, butter as well as all animal products which is why SHARAN recommends a whole plant-based diet.

3. Protein supplements

The fitness industry has done an excellent job of marketing whey protein and protein supplements to the extent that even doctors believe that they are helpful, even though protein deficiency is extremely rare, and diseases of protein excesses are high. Excess protein is toxic to the kidneys.

4. High Blood Pressure

Kidneys love a good blood supply and high blood pressure inhibits this. CKD is often a result of high blood pressure. SHARAN’s programs are highly effective in reducing blood pressure. Only when your blood pressure normalises (without medication) can CKD heal.

5. Diabetes

Just like high blood pressure, diabetes is equally a cause of CKD. Again, SHARAN’s programs are effective in reducing blood sugars. Once the blood sugars return to normal without  medicines, the CKD begins to heal.

6. Chemicals

The liver is responsible for breaking down chemicals, while the kidneys excrete them. Chemicals are always a load on the kidneys, and therefore it’s best to minimise their use. Chemicals in our lives include medications, personal care products (hair dye, deodorants, toothpaste, hand sanitisers, soaps, perfumes, makeup etc), home care products (air fresheners, detergents, pest control, phenyl etc), non-organic fruits and vegetables, ready to cook processed foods, plastics, artificial sweeteners. We take so many of these things for granted that we forget they are actually stuffed with chemicals. Kitchen utensils made of non-stick and aluminium are also detrimental.

7. Excess Proteins

Proteins, especially animal proteins, are toxic to the kidneys. Once we bring down the protein load in the body, the kidneys begin to heal. Urea, uric acid, creatinine, and BUN are products of the breakdown of proteins. The best sources of proteins for kidney patients are greens and sprouts. Animal proteins, soya, and even polished daals should be avoided.

8. Inappropriate diets

CKD patients are often advised an intake of dairy, and minimisation of fruits and vegetables because of their high potassium levels. However, in order to heal, our  kidneys require high quality nutrients. Fruits and vegetables always assist in healing and also contain potassium well balanced with other electrolytes and should not be minimised. Green smoothies are extremely beneficial. Repeated blood tests to monitor the level of electrolytes while on a SHARAN diet invariably shows this to be true.

9. Acidic Foods 

Alkaline foods benefit not just our kidneys but our entire body as well. Fruits and vegetables are the most alkaline foods and should be eaten in high quantities. High proteins, tea, coffee, soft drinks, sugar, salt are all acidic and need to be avoided.

10. Stress

Stress raises both blood pressure and blood sugar, and invariably worsens any chronic condition.


This newsletter was compiled by SHARAN Head of Mumbai, Reyna K Rupani. She facilitates the Six Weeks to Health Gain & Weight Loss program and also conducts health talks for schools, groups, corporates and more.

Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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