SHARAN/To Ghee Or Not To Ghee?

To Ghee Or Not To Ghee?

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A Stroke In Her 20s Changed Her Life

SHARAN Nutritionist Madhura Vayal shares how she got her life back by going whole food plant-based

The common belief is that strokes and attacks happen only in your old age and nothing untoward can affect your health in your 20s. But this myth was busted in my case when I suffered a stroke at the age of 25!

My life took a 180-degree turn one morning when I went to sleep healthy and woke up with facial paralysis. Until that day I was a carefree and happy-go-lucky kind of person with bad eating and lifestyle habits. Non-vegetarian food especially eggs, dairy, chicken and fish were a part of my meals every day. I wouldn’t eat a meal at all if one of them wasn’t there. Stressful working hours and zero physical activity were also adding fuel to the fire.

And the irony of it all was that I was a nutritionist! Academics had instilled in me that protein and calcium are very important so dairy and meat products are very good for health. And to top it all my doctor-mother further endorsed this lifestyle.

The stroke left me half-crippled, yet the zeal to live took me to the US and I got back partially on my feet leading a semi-normal life. Following my limited nutritional knowledge, I gave up oil, sugars and processed foods and started feeling somewhat healthy. I met my future partner there, got married and had two beautiful children.

But the pregnancies took a toll, the weight was back and the weakness in my left side started returning. Around this time my husband was detected with high cholesterol and pre-diabetes. His intense dislike for medication got him researching.

He was the one who brought the miraculous SHARAN lifestyle home. The nutritionist in me fought tooth and nail to not give up dairy and fish. But when the benefits started rolling in, especially the 3kg weight loss in the first week, I started giving this lifestyle a shot.

What I got in return – a 26kg weight loss in 7 months, all stroke and BP medication stopped, migraines and allergies vanished, periods became regular, overcame my depression and gained the purpose of my life.

My husband lost 14kgs weight and reversed his high cholesterol and pre-diabetes. My then 3-year-old fussy-eater daughter started experiencing hunger and enjoying food. And my youngest has not even tasted dairy since birth. He turned 9 years last month. I proudly say we don’t have a family paediatrician or physician.

It’s now been 9 years of this lifestyle. I can never see myself going back, only marching ahead and helping others to achieve the same health and freedom that I enjoy.

And the bonus? Animals and the environment are appreciative of my choices as well.

Coconut Butter

Try this whole plant-based version of ghee to be used in small quantities as a topping to get the flavour, without the harmful effect.


  • 1 cup desiccated coconut


Place the desiccated coconut in the grinder, until the grinder jar is completely full. Grind until it turns to butter, scraping down the sides at regular intervals, to ensure that all of it is blended. Do not add water. This should take about 6-7 minutes.

Do not refrigerate. Store at room temperature. Will stay fresh for 2 months.


  • Use organic desiccated coconut powder for best results.
  • Always use a mixer with power of 900 W or more.
  • Give breaks while blending, to cool the mixer.

Makes ½ cup

Food For The Mind


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All our doctors and presenters will be here to answer your questions and give you tips. If you have attended our events join this group to be a part of our family.

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What Is Wrong With Ghee?

Ghee is more harmful than plant-based fats for several reasons. Read on to find out why.
Sanctuary for Health and Re-connection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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