Fruits Rock!

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Testimonial of Ahmad Abdi

Advocate Ahmad Abdi of Bombay High Court, beautifully shares his journey from how he would eat a non-veg dish in every meal of the day to becoming a vegan at the age of 61!

Being born in a non-vegetarian family, I was a hardcore non-vegetarian. I would not take a single meal without a non-vegetarian dish on the menu. It was not because of anything but taste. However, in my late forties an advice from a wise man triggered me thinking; ‘why to kill a living being for taste of 2 cm of tongue, there is nothing before that and after that?’ On further analysis I realised that there is no taste in the animal flesh itself. It is only the additives which makes it tasty. Another aspect which touched me is the horrible condition in which the animals are kept and finally slaughtered. It is all happening because of the demand. This convinced me so much that I became vegetarian. Within few months I released health benefits of vegetarianism.

The same line of thinking guided me to veganism. There are medical as well as ethical reasons. Milk, which is meant for the calf, is snatched by humans and that too not only for consumption of children, but for ice cream and the cheese industry. The condition in which the milking animals are kept and way they are treated is equally horrible. That is why, today at 61, I am vegan.

Now I am enjoying health and wellness along with other beings. During the course of my journey I happened to attend the one day program – Peas v/s Pills seminar of Dr. Nandita Shah of SHARAN. Though I was vegan before joining this program, the seminar proved to be very informative, and has given me better understanding about veganism and the benefits of a whole plant based diet. It has also taught me to be vigilant about vitamin D and B12 levels. The contribution of SHARAN is unparalleled for the wellbeing of humans as well of innocent animals.

Today I feel more energetic, active and my weight has reduced and maintained. As a practicing lawyer, I am on my toes during all working days, with more mental and physical agility. My journey from slumber and unconsciousness to an alert and conscious person has made me feel empowered and a responsible person.

The biggest question which is before humans today, is as to who has given us the right to use other species. Do other species have any say in the matters, which concern their life and living? Simply because they can’t speak and they don’t have votes, they are misused. There is enough evidence in history of enslavement of humans by other humans. Examples are slave trade and holocaust etc. The same trend is continuing in another avtaar. All dairy animals finally end up at slaughter houses or in the leather industry, where the treatment meted out to them before death is unspeakable. Gandhiji had aptly remarked that the culture and development of a nation is seen from the way they treat their animals.

Banana Surprise!

We love ice-creams but they come with their share of dairy, man-made sugars, food colourings and preservatives! Why not use the best sugars in the world – ‘fruits’ to whip up a really delicious ice-cream!

This is an unbelievably creamy ice cream and its so easy!


  • 4 (or more) ripe banana

  • cinnamon

  • walnut


Place peeled halved bananas in a box in the freezer. After 2 days or later, take them out and put in the blender or food processor till you get a smooth creamy ice cream.

Add some cinnamon and walnuts for an extra punch. Serve immediately as it is made.


Garnish with berries, raisins or chopped fruit of your choice.

Replace the cinnamon and walnuts with zest of  ¼ of an orange and 1tbsp grated ginger.

Replace cinnamon with vanilla extract or vanilla powder for vanilla ice cream.

Serves 4


If you love Facebook, then join us to be supported on your plant based journey. We offer 3 possibilities from 1st Jan 2016.

1. SHARAN India This is SHARAN’s main Facebook page which you can like and follow for getting useful daily updates and news from the plant based health world. You will also get news about the latest SHARAN events, see testimonials, and more

2. SHARAN’s Vegan Support Group This is an open support group to know more about vegan/plant-based lifestyle. Here you can ask questions and share inspiring stories, tips, recipes, etc.

3. SHARAN’s Plant Powered Health This is the new group only for the past attendees of SHARAN’s events: seminars, cooking classes, retreats or longer programs.

All our doctors and presenters will be here to answer your questions and give you tips. If you have attended our events join this group to be a part of our family.

Please like the main SHARAN page and join the group(s) applicable to you.

Food for the Mind

Go on a Fruit Fiesta Everyday!

We would need many newsletters if we were to start highlighting the benefits that Fruits – Nature’s desserts –  actually provide us! Rich in vitamins and minerals, these magic foods ensure the proper functioning of the body. Fruit fibres make sure that the sugars don’t cause us harm, and even improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Fruits are great as energy-boosters, immunity builders, hydrators, help in weight-loss, fight skin disorders and even promote hair growth.

Some fruit tid-bits worth to be known…

2. The peels matter

They are rich in anti-oxidants, rough dietary fibres and of course the vitamins and minerals. In some cases, the peels are much more nutritious than the inside of the fruit!

3. Eat only organic fruits

Most people feel that peeling the fruits reduces the chemical content…however pesticides can penetrate to the very core of the fruit, so best is to buy organic.

4. Fruit should be eaten alone or with green leaves

This is important as fruit eaten alone or combined with other fruits helps the body to absorb all its goodness, however when combined with other foods or had after a heavy meal, the fruit ferments in the stomach. leading to acidity and digestive issues.

5. Don’t mix melons with other fruits

Melons should be eaten separately. Mix melons with other melons, but not melons with apples, bananas etc.

6. Eat your fruit whole

Juicing removes the fibre, a vital ingredient in the fruit

7. Everyone can eat bananas, even diabetics

We are primates! Bananas are great, even if we are looking for weight loss or have diabetes!

8. Dry-fruits are good too

Figs, dates, apricots and raisins come with their share of benefits and are good to use as replacements wherever sugar is required.

9. Best time to have fruits

The whole day! But do make sure you start with some in the morning, as it helps to detoxify the body. Also buying them organic ensures that you eat according to season.

10. Store fruits at a moderate temperature

As a very hot or very cold place will reduce the shelf life.

11. Best to be given as gifts

Instead of foods that cause harm and products which only clutter.

12. Keep them visible

They are the best snack

13. Carry fruits when on the road

Make it a habit to carry fruits when you know you are going to be out of the house for a long time
Sanctuary for Health and Re-connection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a non-profit organisation with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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