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Testimonial – Eera Arora

Eera Arora from Dubai joined SHARAN’s 21 day Health retreat simply for Health! She had no health issues, but attended to make sure, she has none in the future!

View her testimonial…

Food for Mind

Every human being is the author of his own Health or Disease – Buddha

Baked Falafel

Falafels are filling, delicious and protein rich, however fried! Learn how to bake them easily, and top them with a home-made dressing, avoiding the chemical preservatives altogether!

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Nairobi, Kenya
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Short Retreat
21 Day Retreat
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If you love Facebook, then join us to be supported on your plant based journey. We offer 3 possibilities from 1st Jan 2016.

1. SHARAN India This is SHARAN’s main Facebook page which you can like and follow for getting useful daily updates and news from the plant based health world. You will also get news about the latest SHARAN events, see testimonials, and more

2. SHARAN’s Vegan Support Group This is an open support group to know more about vegan/plant-based lifestyle. Here you can ask questions and share inspiring stories, tips, recipes, etc.

3. SHARAN’s Plant Powered Health This is the new group only for the past attendees of SHARAN’s events: seminars, cooking classes, retreats or longer programs.

All our doctors and presenters will be here to answer your questions and give you tips. If you have attended our events join this group to be a part of our family.

Please like the main SHARAN page and join the group(s) applicable to you.

World Health Day is on 7th April

Do we seriously need a day to remind ourselves about our health? Health should be our priority every day with every meal. When we are sick, life becomes meaningless.

This year the World Health Organisation has decided to focus on diabetes and ways to curb it’s rise worldwide. Over 350 million people have Diabetes  and the number is likely to double in the next twenty years. There has also been a substantial rise in juvenile diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness, amputation and kidney failure!

To make sure, you are not a part of this statistic, find out 6 ways you can reverse or prevent diabetes and other disease

2. Go Organic

Pesticides in our foods and preservatives in packaged foods, are hormone disruptors. These promote diabetes.

3. Go whole avoid refined foods

Have whole dals, fruits as whole (not juice), whole brown rice and dates, figs or raisins as sweeteners.

4. Get moving

Movement is a must – through work, exercise, walks, dance and more.

5. Be positive

This is a key factor to good health. Our mind controls our body and keeping the mind healthy, keeps the body healthy too.

6. Get your Vitamin D & B12 checked

The lack of these vitamins in your body can lead to disease. Supplement them, under doctor’s supervision.
Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a non-profit organisation with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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