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    SHARAN/My lifestyle helped me overcome Covid-19

My lifestyle helped me overcome Covid-19

Sharanya Abishek

After an entire year of panic in 2020 – with a 5 year old daughter, a 70 year old mother-in-law and with an autoimmune condition that is healing slowly – just as I was getting back to normal, the second wave hit us.

On 14th April 2021, my husband and mother-in-law tested Covid positive and on 16th April, I did too. My immediate fear was about my autoimmune disorder. However, I was confident about the healing process of my body.

I have been following the SHARAN lifestyle since 5 years for my auto immune condition (multiple sclerosis). Within 1 year into the lifestyle, I was able to stop all my medication. From cutting off animal products to oil to white rice to grains to cooked food, it has been a gradual health journey.

My diet now is 70% raw, 20% cooked vegetables and 10% grains. I have had many breakthroughs in this diet. So, when I tested positive for Covid, though I did not know what to expect, I was sure I would overcome.

My temperature kept fluctuating between 99 and 101.6 in the first few days. I had body pain and tiredness during that period. Thanks to my practices of dry fasting and juicing and of regular meditation, writing a gratitude journal, as well as other activities – lots of movies, fun podcasts, music, colouring and drawing and cleaning my shelves, I passed these days with confidence. In a week’s time, my temperature got normal and my body pain subsided.

It took me 18 days to test negative and another 10 days to regain my energy levels. It has been exactly one month since I tested positive. I am back to my routine. I am able to do my normal house work, cooking, cleaning, taking care of my daughter and official work. I now do a lot of sun bathing and moon bathing and try to spend a lot of time outdoors or next to the windows. I am do slow stretches and mild yoga too.

The good part about Covid was, all my old MS related pains also got healed. I got a lot of “me” time and rest too. I am very grateful to all my family members for their wonderful and timely support. And to Dr Nandita and Anubha for all their mentoring.

I feel calm. After a year of negative news all around, I am not scared of Covid anymore. I want to take this to everyone who believes in natural ways of getting cured– Sharanya Abishek, May 2021


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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