
SHARAN’s Six Weeks to Health Gain & Weight Loss Online Program

To know more details about this course click here

No animal in nature is overweight, but obesity is not uncommon amongst human beings. We often diet to lose weight, but it rarely works only because when you are dieting all that you are thinking about is food! By following SHARAN’s guidelines, which are according to our own natural instincts, it’s easy to lose weight and gain health without dieting. In fact you will never need to remain hungry. And you will gain health as a bonus.

This systematically designed pre-recorded online program will help you understand the areas you need to work upon, and will guide you on how to make the changes over 6 weeks

Each week of this special course is divided into different themes, with specific goals. The program is designed in such a way that the whole week is focussed upon achieving the target of the week. The first two weeks specifically focus on the changes that you need to make in your food and cooking, which is then followed by other aspects, that include exercise, mental fitness, conditioning and more.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert in cooking, you will find it easy to adapt to this new format of cooking which is simple and do able. This program is also suitable for working professionals as the focus is on ease and taste.

You may wonder what will happen if your family isn’t interested or when you travel or eat out or at someone’s house. Worry not, as all the solutions are provided.

The program is designed in a workshop mode, so you will be suggested to do easy and fun activities that will help you reach your goals. You will be guided how to prep up your pantry, how to be mindful about cooking and eating too, how to stretch before exercising and even how to exercise when you don’t have the time to!

If what is prescribed in the program is adhered to, then weight loss and health gain is guaranteed. Our participants have lost anywhere between 4 kilos to even 14 kilos in the span of six weeks! Inch loss happens almost automatically.

The program can be done at your own pace as it’s a pre-recorded one, so you can log in at any time of your choice. We suggest you fix the tentative time so that you have a routine.

You will watch videos by our facilitators who have personally followed this method themselves and benefitted. They will guide you on your journey to your and your family’s wellness. Please note that there is no live support available on this program. If you do follow the guidelines, then health gain and weight loss is guaranteed.

Some highlights-

1) This can be done at your own pace and time.
2) You will learn, unlearn and relearn a lot about health.
3) Cooking techniques and recipe ideas are included.
4) You will view tips and tricks which you can easily implement in your daily life.
5) There are fun activities and film suggestions

Hear what others have to say…

‘Thank you so much for this beautiful online program. I liked the way it started from the basics and covered all the aspects of health. The short videos motivated me. The quizzes summed up the topic and the recipes, DIY tips were very useful and informative. I have benefitted in many ways. I am equipped with the right knowledge, relieved of my problem of constipation. I have shifted from non vegetarian to vegetarian and lost 8 kilos so far. I now start my day with smoothies. I have even decided to do further studies in plant based nutrition and start my home based business in vegan snacks! Wishing SHARAN all the very best for your wonderful work and contribution in inspiring and helping many others like me to lead a happy and disease-free life. – Sri Gowri

Note: The moment you register, the program will begin. You will get a link, a log-in id and password, and the program will be available according to the package you have chosen – Silver/Gold/Platinum. In case after registration, you do not receive an email from us, please check your spam. If you have any problems email info@sharan-india.org with details.

Course begins immediately on registration

Select Plan

Platinum Membership
Valid for 4 months from date of registration

*18% GST will be added


Gold Membership
Valid for 3 months from date of registration.
*18% GST will be added


Silver Membership
Valid for 2 months from date of registration

*18% GST will be added


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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