+91 9769117747

Living Yoga, Living Food Gathering (by Marci and Rolf)



From Rolf and Marci’s website:

The Gathering will be an opportunity to deepen your Yoga practice and establish a daily rhythm in a Yogic way of life. We will guide you on the path of Self-inquiry and encourage you to look within and re-connect to your True Nature.

Marci and Rolf will instruct daily Mysore-style Ashtanga practice in the mornings. Rolf will guide students in early morning Pranayama sessions. Marci will teach mid-morning sessions on alignment, hands-on adjustments, restorative Yoga, modifications, moon-cycle Yoga, and adapting the practice according to the Nature and individual needs of each student. She will also discuss the importance of diet in living a Yogic life.

Ganga Puri will lecture on the Shiva Sutra, as well as Vedanta. He will initiate students in Japa Kriya and give instructions to perform specific Kriyas (cleansings) to purify the organic system. In the evenings Ganga will guide kirtan.

Dr. Nandita Shah will demonstrate how what we eat either heals or harms us, and how our food choices affect, not only our own bodies, but other living creatures and the state of our planet. This information will empower you to make choices, which create health and freedom from suffering.

Clea Chandmal will teach us how to integrate the basic tenets of permaculture into our lives. These insights can help us realize our intimate connection with all Life so that we can live in harmony and peace with our environment.

Learn more and register


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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