+91 9769117747

Eat Well Weigh Less



Did you know that weight loss and lots of energy are great side-effects of a healthy diet! Eat as much as you want and still lose weight! Sounds impossible? It is POSSIBLE! We have thousands of testimonials backing this!

Learn and understand food and its effects with our one day seminar.

Date: Saturday October 24th, 2015

Time: 9 am to 5.30 pm

600 AED per person
1050 AED per couple (husband and wife or parent and child only)
2000 AED per family of 4
2100 AED per group of 4 friends

(includes breakfast, lunch, snack and course material)

Early Bird Discount: AED 100 off per person till Tuesday 20th October 2015.

Contact: Email seminars@sharan-india.org with your name, email address or call Reyna Rupani 0506313002.
Bhagwan Babur 050 4811783.
Mitsu Bhatia 050 9803132.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellation before the early bird attracts full refund towards another program. Cancellation after early bird attracts 75% refund.

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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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