
SHARAN 21-Day Online Diabetes Reversal Program

SHARAN’s 21-day online diabetes reversal program is a pre-recorded online program designed to teach you how diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2, can be reversed with lifestyle changes. It contains 3 preparatory days and 21 more days of learning and doing. On each day you will learn a new lifestyle change that you need to put into practice so that by the end of 21 days you will be practicing a healthy lifestyle that will enable you to reverse diabetes without any medicines.

While Type 2 diabetes can potentially be reversed quickly, Type 1 diabetes does take a number of years to reverse. However you will find improvements almost immediately even in Type 1 diabetes, and by following the program insulin dosages should fall to half or even one third.

It takes 21 days to change a habit. All you need is to devote a half to one hour every day towards learning and practicing, and soon it will become a habit. We have videos and short texts for every day to help you learn audio visually, all in the comfort of your home. You will also see inspiring testimonials of people who have got better during our 21 day residential programs. On each day you will also be given, as an optional bonus, suggestions of highly recommended films that you can see to understand the topic of the day even better. And most importantly you will see differences on all levels, not just in diabetes, but also in concurrent health problems. If your family members join you in making changes not only will they be supporting you, but they too will reap the benefits!.

You will also have the option be able to track your own progress in the program through an inbuilt progress chart.

Incase you are too busy, you can extend this learning over a longer period. You have 2 choices of plans that you can purchase depending on the time you feel that you will need. And there is an extension plan too, should you need to extend. What is important is to make it sustainable, learn more while you do it and enjoy it!

This program does not include live support. If you are on many medications you may find that it’s helpful to register for our consultations while you are on the program so that a medical doctor can help you reduce medications as you improve.

So if you are ready to dive in and join us on this journey of health, please register now.


NOTE: In-case after registration, you do not receive an email from us, please check your spam. If you have any problems email info@sharan-india.org with details.

This is what our participants have shared…

My HbA1c came down to 6.2 from 7.3 in three months. I have lost about 11lbs since I started the program and my energy levels are up.I liked that the new diet changes were introduced slowly one at a time, which made it easy to follow. The program also helped me figure out which food caused my sugar spike and how to rectify my diet. – Aparna Rajiv

I have been able to reduce my insulin from 20 units at the start of the program to 4 units at the end of 21 days and stopped one medicine. My BP medicine dosage has been reduced and I have lost about 3-4 kgs weight in this period. The first thing I liked about this programme was that it was gradual and was extremely doable. Moreover, the results were there to see in the very first week itself! Plus the recipes are really tasty and helped me to forego my earlier diet. Thanks SHARAN for a wonderful 21-day program which has really changed my life forever. – Neelakantan

I made great progress in reducing my sugar levels and am feeling more rejuvenated and energetic during the entire day. Overall it has been a great learning experience to go the ‘Plant based Diet’ way. The connection between, what we eat and our mental state is very clearly explained. Providing plant based recipes and alternate foods to dairy is greatly beneficial. I also learned the real cause of Diabetes, and will stay away from fat and oil forever. Thank you SHARAN for a great 21 day programme. – Uday Masturlal


Course begins immediately on registration

Select Plan

GOLD – 90 days complete access.
*18% GST will be added


SILVER – 60 days complete access
*18% GST will be added


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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