From the desk of Dr Nandita Shah...
“You are what you eat!” You’ve heard it before, but it’s more profound than you think. The food we eat not only shapes our bodies but also influences our minds.
For example, after a heavy meal of paneer or chicken, you might feel sluggish and unfocused. But starting your day with green smoothies can leave you feeling light, energetic, and alert.
Ever had a “gut feeling”? The gut and brain are deeply connected through the enteric nervous system (ENS), often called the “second brain.” Developed alongside the central nervous system, the ENS is influenced by gut microbiota, which impact brain activity, emotions, and behavior.
Stress, sadness, joy, and fear—many emotions are felt in the gut. Mental health affects digestion, and what you eat affects your emotional and intellectual well-being.
So, choose your meals wisely—they shape both your body and mind!
Taking out time for your health is one of the wisest decisions you can make as that will ensure happiness, productivity, efficiency and much more. Hence take a 7-day break or a 21-day one, just do it! For more info, click here.
'Switching to a healthier lifestyle is a lot easier than we think'
Mumbai-based home-maker, 40 year old Perissa Vajifdar shares how changing her food habits helped her lose weight and even reduce her thyroid medication!
SHARAN has changed my life. I started off with the fruit challenge and loved it so much, I continued for 21 days and then went on to SHARAN’s recommended Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet.
Before I started this diet I had been continuously increasing my thyroid medication dosage and now I’ve needed to reduce it to less than half! I used to be afraid of anyone with a cold or cough and would physically run away if someone sneezed or coughed next to me. Now I have a greater confidence that I will stay healthy even if others are sick around me. An unexpected positive side effect which I faced was the disappearance of lower back pain. It promptly returns whenever I give into temptation and have a regular coffee (even without milk).
I lost 12kg in the first 3 months and have been able to maintain it effortlessly for over a year and a half as long as I stick to WFPB. It felt a bit daunting at first and I thought I’d miss some foods, so initially I tried to make WFPB versions which took a lot of effort but then I got used to that style of preparation and it didn’t seem like a giant effort and items which were not worth the effort slowly slipped off the menu! I also think my palate probably adjusted and now I can enjoy Shepherd’s Pie made out of sprouted green moong dal!
As time went by, I also developed new favourites from the SHARAN website and the internet which are bursting with healthy recipes. Switching to WFPB is a lot easier than you think once you go past the initial stage. Hang in there and have faith that it’s possible and there are people not only surviving but enjoying life on a WFPB diet and getting healthier day by day. You too can do it!
Recipe - Rice Porridge Kanji
- 1 cup cooked whole rice (red/brown /black rice)
- 2 cups water
- Flavorings of your choice – onions, green chillies, ginger-chilli paste, tempered mustard and curry leaves, vegan yoghurt, etc.
- ⅛ tsp unrefined salt
Soak the cooked rice overnight in the water. Next day, mix rice, flavourings, salt and water in a blender or with a fork, to make a surprisingly filling porridge or a drink.
Serves 1
Food For The Mind
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1. SHARAN India is SHARAN’s main Facebook page which you can like and follow for getting useful daily updates and news from the plant based health world. You will also get news about the latest SHARAN events, see testimonials, and more.
2. SHARAN’s Vegan Support Group is an open support group to know more about vegan/plant-based lifestyle. Here you can ask questions and share inspiring stories, tips, recipes, etc.
All our doctors and presenters will be here to answer your questions and give you tips. If you have attended our events join this group to be a part of our family.
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Healthy Gut, Happy Life
You can become the best version of yourself by understanding what nurtures and harms your gut—often referred to as your “second brain.” Here are some essential tips to support gut health:
1. Eat More Fibre
Fibre is exclusively found in plants, but it’s often removed in refined foods. Aim to consume whole, unprocessed foods. Minimize oil, sugar, white rice, white flour, juices, and even jaggery or peeled produce, as they lack fibre. Fibre acts as a prebiotic, fueling the growth of beneficial microflora.
2. Limit Antibiotic Use
Antibiotics kill both harmful pathogens and beneficial gut bacteria, potentially impacting your gut and emotional health. Use them only when absolutely necessary.
3. Avoid Chemicals in Food
Stay away from non-organic, packaged, and processed foods that contain harmful chemicals. Even tap water treated with chlorine or fluoride can disrupt your microbiome.
4. Skip Commercial Probiotics
Trust your gut—it naturally regulates bacterial family populations for optimal results. Let it work without interference from commercial probiotics.
5. Include Whole Fermented Foods
Incorporate fermented foods such as plant-based curds or fermented vegetables if you enjoy them. However, don’t worry if you can’t; as long as you avoid harming your gut, the right bacteria will thrive naturally.
6. Avoid Animal Products
Avoid all animal products. They contain no fibre, and decay in the body. They also contain stress hormones that adversely affect our emotional state.
7. Cook Less, Eat Raw
Your body thrives on nutrient-dense raw foods. Minimize cooking to preserve nutrients and maintain optimal gut health.
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What is SHARAN? |
Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals
and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with
the goal of spreading awareness about holistic
health and an ecologically sustainable
compassionate lifestyle.
Compiled & Edited by: |
This newsletter is compiled by SHARAN Head of Mumbai, Reyna K Rupani. She facilitates the Six Weeks to Health Gain & Weight Loss program and also conducts health talks for schools, groups, corporates and more.
Feb 2024 | Issue: 237