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    SHARAN/My life changed at the age of 61

My life changed at the age of 61

Ahmad Abdi

“Being born in a non-vegetarian family, I would not take a single meal without a non-vegetarian dish on the menu. It was not because of anything, but taste. However, in my late forties a question from a wise man triggered me thinking, “why to kill a living being for taste of 2 cm of tongue, there is nothing before and after that?” On further analysis I realised that there is no taste in the animal flesh itself. It is only the additives which make it tasty. The horrible condition in which the animals are kept and finally slaughtered because of the demand for their flesh also convinced me to become vegetarian. Within a few months I realised the health benefits of vegetarianism.

The same line of thinking, both medical and ethical reasons, guided me to veganism. Milk, which is meant for the calf, is snatched by humans. The condition in which the milking animals are kept and the way they are treated is equally horrible. That is why, today at 61, I am vegan.

I attended the one-day program ‘Peas vs Pills’ seminar of Dr Nandita Shah of SHARAN. The seminar proved to be very informative and has given me better understanding about veganism and the benefits of a whole plant-based diet. It has also taught me to be vigilant about vitamin D and B12 levels.

Today I feel more energetic, active and my weight has reduced and maintained. As a practicing lawyer, I am on my toes during all working days, with more mental and physical agility. My journey from slumber and unconsciousness to an alert and conscious person has made me an empowered and responsible person.” – Ahmad Abdi, Mumbai

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