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    SHARAN/Haemoglobin count went up

Haemoglobin count went up

Rose Pinto

A Christian bought up in Kerala, Rose was led to believe that she was living the perfect healthy and balanced lifestyle with a non-veg diet up until January of 2015. When she attended one of SHARAN’s smoothie classes, she realised it was not so, and immediately stopped consuming all milk products. After attending an ‘Eat Well and Live Longer’ workshop, she disposed of her microwave oven, and all sugar and oil products from her home.

Her whole family turned vegan with her after watching the documentary ‘Earthlings’ and attended SHARAN’s workshops too. This helped her to stick to her decision of cooking and staying vegan easily. She and her family are following an organic plant-based diet since then.

Rose is also a passionate cook and conducts several cooking workshops for SHARAN. She wants to spread the word about this lifestyle because she knows a lot of ailments can be cured with this change. She believes if she can help even one person, she would be grateful to God. —Rose Pinto, Mumbai

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