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    SHARAN/Dr Shah’s book led me to a healthier lifestyle!

Dr Shah’s book led me to a healthier lifestyle!

Pramila D’Souza

Delhi based Pramila D’Souza found the ‘Reversing Diabetes in 21 Days’ book and got in touch with SHARAN. Today she is on her way to being medicine-free!

“At 68, having battled with pre-diabetes for about 6 years, with ayurvedic medication, diet and exercise, I finally hit the diabetic range following a stomach infection. This is something I dreaded, as I have heard of many being plagued with complications arising from high blood sugar. My husband, who has been diabetic for the last 12 years, was already taking a cocktail of medications, costing thousands every month.

By sheer chance, on Facebook, I happened to read about a book titled ‘Reversing Diabetes in 21 Days’. Can diabetes be reversed? I wondered why millions suffer from diabetes mellitus. My curiosity peaked, and I purchased the book. It opened my eyes to all the things we eat and drink, unaware of their ill effects on our health, and I started on my own, to follow the diet more or less.

I then googled ‘SHARAN’ and saw that they offer consultations and diet. Rs. 6000 seemed a stiff fee to pay, but after much thought I decided to go for it, figuring that it was worth foregoing the thousands I would have to pay for testing, medication, multiple visits to a diabetologist or dietician etc.
The Senior Medical Consultant, Dr Sudhir Sethi, to whom I was referred, was located in the UK and I wondered how much ground we could cover in just an hour of video consultation. My apprehension was quite unfounded, as the doctor was very thorough, going through each of my multiple ailments and commenting/making suggestions. Following the consultation, he sent me a synopsis of our talk, along with a suggested diet.

With much excitement and anticipation, I commenced the treatment. Just a smoothie and fruit for breakfast? How on earth could I survive? However, in a few days my body adjusted, and the breakfast was quite satisfying. The recipes given in the book provided a variety. Within 3 weeks, my fasting blood sugar level dropped from 141 in July, to 123 in September, and in another week, to 108. Post prandial reading fell from 148 in July, to 96 in September. I also noticed that the joint pain due to rheumatoid arthritis was down by at least half, knots and inflammation on my knuckles were almost gone, and post-nasal catarrh that had been constant for a long time, was reduced considerably.

I am sure in another couple of weeks, I will progress to normal blood sugar levels, for which I really am grateful to God. I have immensely enjoyed learning to cook without oil, which my whole family benefits from, and having dates as a dessert is a welcome treat. Just a chance look at Facebook led me to follow a healthier lifestyle and I wish many more people have the same happy experience.”- Pramila D’Souza

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