+91 9769117747

SHARAN Restaurant Certification: Benefits, Terms and Conditions

Benefits of the certification:

1. We will list your organisation on our website www.sharan-india.org under the “SHARAN Certified Restaurants” section

2. SHARAN will promote your establishment in various ways on its “SHARAN Vegan Eats Outs” social media campaigns

3. Your organisation will have the opportunity to partner in collaborative initiatives with “SHARAN Vegan Eat Outs”, from time to time

4. SHARAN team will provide reasonable assistance in curating menu items and training your kitchen staff at a nominal fee

Terms and Conditions:

1. The certification will be valid for a period of 12 months, from the date of such certification. This will be renewable, thereafter, every year.

2. This certification is applicable to establishments that offer an exclusively vegan menu as also those who offer select vegan dishes that are clearly demarcated.

3. In order to be eligible for certification, you will need to submit the following during the review process:

    a. Your menu with the vegan items clearly demarcated

    b. Ingredients used for each

4. The absolute right to grant, decline or withdraw certification lies with SHARAN and our decision will be final

5. The certificate will be displayed at a prominent place in the restaurant/establishment

6. Your establishment will keep SHARAN updated on all changes in its menu, as and when such changes are made, within 15 days of such changes.

7. Your menu will clearly mark those items that are vegan and/or whole food plant-based and organic

8. You will provide us with high resolution, professionally-clicked images of your vegan dishes and/or your establishment for our promotions

9. You will tag “SHARAN Vegan Eat Outs” on all the promotions undertaken by you on any digital media platform/s

10. You will display our “SHARAN Vegan Eat Outs” logo on all your communication, including your menu card, which promotes the items that the certificate is granted for. You will also send us a copy of the same

11. You will cooperate with SHARAN and its associates during the validity period, evaluation process, visits by our representative, renewal and collaborations if any

12. The certificate is non-transferable and is not a business partnership or a contract

13. You will use and display the certificate only during its validity period and the certification display shall be discontinued within 15 days in case of cancellation or expiry

14. SHARAN and its associates will in no way be held responsible for the quality of dishes served and/or services provided by your establishment. Our responsibility is restricted to our own process of certification with no other commitment or liability at our end

15. Your organisation agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless SHARAN and its associates against all losses, damages and liabilities, including legal and other expenses that may be incurred due to whatsoever reason by your establishment



Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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