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30 Non-Vegan Excuses & How to Respond to Them

Earthling Ed

Earthling Ed (Ed Winters) wrote this e-book with the goal of creating a resource that vegans can use. To help them learn how to debunk and argue against the most common excuses that people use to justify not going vegan, and continuing to harm animals.

A Prayer for Compassion

Thomas Wade Jackson

This documentary film follows Thomas Wade Jackson on a quest across America, that ultimately takes him to Morocco for the UN Climate Conference and throughout the Indian subcontinent to ask people of faith the question, "Can compassion grow to include all beings?"  

An Agricultural Testament

Sir Albert Howard

First published in 1940, this is an old well-known classic on organic agriculture. Acclaimed in the West as the father of sustainable agriculture, Howard confessed that the Indian farmers were his “professors”. He wrote 'An Agricultural Testament' to draw attention to the destruction of the soil. He rooted his criticism of modern agriculture in his own experiments with organic farming and invented the Indore method of composting.

An Unnatural Order

Jim Mason

First published by Simon & Schuster in 1993 and then by Continuum in 1998, Jim Mason’s 'An Unnatural Order' has become a classic. Now in a new Lantern edition, the book explores, from an anthropological, sociocultural, and holistic perspective, how and why we have cut ourselves off from other animals and the natural world, and the toll this has taken on our consciousness, our ability to steward nature wisely, and the will to control our own tendencies.

Animal Equality : Language and Liberation

Joan Dunayer

The first book on language and non-human oppression – and the most progressive animal-rights book to date – 'Animal Equality' shows that deceptive, biased words sustain injustice toward non-human animals. Speciesism (prejudice against non-human animals) survives through lies. Animal Equality’s compelling evidence of non-human thought and emotion debunks language that characterises other animals as unreasoning or insensitive. Vivid descriptions of hunting, sportfishing, zoos, aqua prisons, vivisection, and food-industry captivity and slaughter reveal the cruelty that misleading words legitimise and conceal. Animal Equality also uncovers the speciesism attitudes and practices underlying much sexist and racist language. Every animal - non-human or human – deserves equal consideration and protection, Joan Dunayer argues. Offering pronoun, vocabulary and style guidelines, she proposes new language that will bring us closer to non-human liberation.

Animal Ingredients A to Z: Third Edition

E. G. Smith Collective

'Animal Ingredients A to Z' is the Bible for vegetarians, vegans, and caring consumers. More and more, we find our everyday foods containing  peculiar ingredients, many of which are animal derived. As well as a comprehensive listing of animal ingredients, this easy-to-navigate guide contains supplemental information on vegan nutrition, food alternatives, and contact information for animal advocacy groups. Carol Adams, author of 'The Sexual Politics of Meat' and Bruce Friedrich, director of Vegan Outreach at PETA, offer introductions to this newly expanded edition. Finally, consumers can brave the labels at their local market with confidence.  

Animal Liberation

Peter Singer

Since its original publication in 1975, this groundbreaking work has awakened millions of concerned men and women to the shocking abuse of animals everywhere - inspiring a worldwide movement to eliminate much of the cruel and unnecessary laboratory animal experimentation of years past. In this newly revised and expanded edition, author Peter Singer exposes the chilling realities of today’s “factory farms” and product-testing procedures - offering sound, humane solutions to what has become a profound environmental and social as well as moral issue. An important and persuasive appeal to conscience, fairness, decency and justice, 'Animal Liberation' is essential reading for the supporter and the skeptic alike.

Animal Rights & Human Morality

Bernard E. Rollin

"Professor Rollin is a serious man with an important message. He asks us not only to recognise that those who use animals have obligations for their care and respect, but also to translate this recognition into new habits. What he asks is reasonable and timely.” – Journal of the American Medical Association. It’s been more than two decades since the first edition of this landmark book garnered public accolades for its sensitive yet honest and forthright approach to the many disquieting questions surrounding the emotional debate over animal rights. Is moral concern something owed by human beings only to human beings? Drawing upon his philosophical expertise, his extensive experience of working with animal issues all over the world and his knowledge of biological science, Bernard E. Rollin—now widely recognised as the father of veterinary ethics—develops a compelling analysis of animal rights as it is emerging in society. The result is a sound basis for rational discussion and social policy development in this area of rapidly growing concern. He believes that society must elevate the moral status of animals and protect their rights as determined by their natures. His public speaking and published works have contributed to passage of major federal legislation designed to increase the well-being of laboratory animals.

Animal Rights Human Rights

David Nibert

This accessible and cutting-edge work offers a new look at the history of western civilization, one that brings into focus the interrelated suffering of oppressed humans and other animals. Nibert argues that the oppression both of humans and of other species of animals is inextricably tangled within the structure of social arrangements. Nibert asserts that human use and mistreatment of other animals are not natural and do little to further the human condition.

Animal Viruses and Humans, a Narrow Divide: How Lethal Zoonotic Viruses Spill Over and Threaten Us

Warren Andiman

“To reproduce promiscuously and to wreak havoc wherever they can find a home,” this is the sole raison d'être of viruses writes Dr Warren Andiman, an HIV/AIDS researcher who has been on the front lines battling infectious diseases for over forty years. In 'Animal Viruses and Humans: A Narrow Divide', Andiman traces the history of eight zoonotic viruses and deadly microbes that have made the leap directly from animals to human populations: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Swine influenza, Hantavirus, Monkeypox, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Rabies, Ebola, and Henipaviruses (Nipah and Hendra). Dr Andiman also looks to the future, envisioning the effects on zoonoses (diseases caused by zoonotic viruses) of climate change, microenvironmental damage, population shifts, and globalisation. He reveals the steps that we can, and must, take to stem the spread of animal viruses, explaining, “the zoonoses I've chosen to write about are meant to describe only a small sample of what is already out there but, more menacingly, what is inevitably on its way, in forms we can only imagine.”

Animals and Why They Matter

Mary Midgley

Animals and Why They Matter examines the barriers that our philosophical traditions have erected between human beings and animals and reveals that the too-often ridiculed subject of animal rights is an issue crucially related to such problems within the human community as racism, sexism, and age discrimination. Mary Midgley’s profound and clearly written narrative is a thought-provoking study of the way in which the opposition between reason and emotion has shaped our moral and political ideas and the problems it has raised. Whether considering vegetarianism, women’s rights, or the “humanity” of pets, this book goes to the heart of the question of why all animals matter.

Animals, Property & The Law

Gary Francione

"Pain is pain, irrespective of the race, sex, or species of the victim,” states William Kunstler in his foreword. This moral concern for the suffering of animals and their legal status is the basis for Gary L. Francione’s profound book, which asks, "Why has the law failed to protect animals from exploitation?" Francione argues that the current legal standard of animal welfare does not and cannot establish fights for animals. As long as they are viewed as property, animals will be subject to suffering for the social and economic benefit of human beings.

Becoming Raw: The Essential Guide to Raw Vegan Diets

Brenda Davis & Vesanto Melina

Nutrition experts Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina once again provide the essential information needed to safely embrace a new dietary lifestyle. They present the first authoritative look at the science behind raw foods. More people are jumping onto the raw foods bandwagon either to lose weight, fight chronic health problems, or simply to benefit from the high level of nutrients found in uncooked or sprouted foods. The authors offer science-based answers to tough questions about raw foods and raw diets, furnish nutrition guidelines and practical information, and show how to construct a raw diet that meets recommended nutrient intakes simply and easily.

Becoming Vegan: The Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Plant-based Diet

Brenda Davis

The authors of 'Becoming Vegan' explore the benefits of a vegan diet (eating without meat, eggs or dairy products). More and more people are being motivated to become vegans because of the impact of their nutritional choices on their health, the environment, animal rights, and human hunger. As registered dietitians, Davis and Melina are well-qualified to provide the latest information on: how a vegan diet can protect against cancer, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses getting all the protein you need without meat, meeting your needs for calcium without dairy products, what vegans need to know about B12, why good fats are vital to health and how to get them balanced diets for infants, children, and seniors pregnancy and breast-feeding tips for vegan moms, considerations for overweight, underweight, and eating disorders achieving peak performance as a vegan athlete and how to deal gracefully with a non-vegan world.

Big Farms Make Big Flu

Rob Wallace

Thanks to breakthroughs in production and food science, agribusiness has been able to devise new ways to grow more food and get it to more places more quickly. There is no shortage of news items on hundreds of thousands of hybrid poultry - each animal genetically identical to the next - packed together in mega-barns, grown out in a matter of months, then slaughtered, processed and shipped to the other side of the globe. Less well known are the deadly pathogens mutating in, and emerging out of, these specialised agro-environments. In fact, many of the most dangerous new diseases in humans can be traced back to such food systems, among them Campylobacter, Nipah virus, Q fever, hepatitis E, and a variety of novel influenza variants. Agribusiness has known for decades that packing thousands of birds or livestock together results in a monoculture that results in disease. But market economics doesn't punish the companies for growing Big Flu - it punishes animals, the environment, consumers, and contract farmers. Alongside growing profits, diseases are permitted to emerge, evolve, and spread with little check. "That is," writes evolutionary biologist Rob Wallace, "it pays to produce a pathogen that could kill a billion people."

Blatant Raw Foodist Propaganda

Joe Alexander

Most people live on an omnivorous diet, that is, anything that is possible to chew up and swallow and live long enough to tell about, they will eat. Raw foodists maintain that only uncooked foods are fit to be eaten, that cooked food is the cause of virtually all disease and is always harmful to some extent. A cooked-food eater will, if he or she adopts a raw food diet, cometo feel lighter, more energetic, and just happier about being alaive.The greatest value of the raw food diet is its ability to transform you into a new and better person, with new goals and desires, with better health and more energy. You become more of your essence, your true and natural self.

Buddhism and Veganism: Essays Connecting Spiritual Awakening and Animal Liberation

Will Tuttle

Many of us are surprised to discover that Buddhist monks, lamas, and teachers often eat the flesh and secretions of animals. What is the underlying relationship between Buddhism and veganism? Can we awaken spiritually and morally while participating in our culture's ongoing abuse of animals for food and other products? Do the Buddhist teachings require or even explicitly encourage vegan living, or is veganism seen as a personal choice? As Buddhism continues to spread, and as interest in veganism is burgeoning, these questions are heating up and call for a more thorough investigation. This book is a collection of teachings and stories by people who are committed to both Buddhism and veganism, and who share a variety of insightful perspectives on how spiritual awakening and animal liberation interconnect and reinforce each other. Their inspiring wisdom reveals intriguing keys to a better world for us all.

Chew On This: Everything You Don’t Want to Know About Fast Food

Eric Schlosser

In the New York Times bestseller Chew on This, Eric Schlosser and Charles Wilson unwrap the fast-food industry to bring you a behind-the-scenes look at a business that both feeds and feeds off the young. Find out what really goes on at your favorite restaurants—and what lurks between those sesame seed buns.Praised for being accessible, honest, humorous, fascinating, and alarming, Chew On This was also repeatedly referred to as a must-read for kids who regularly eat fast food. Having all the facts about fast food helps young people make healthy decisions about what they eat. Chew On This shows them that they can change the world by changing what they eat. Chew on This also includes action steps, a discussion guide, and a new afterword by the authors.  

Comfortably Unaware

Richard Oppenlander

In 'Comfortably Unaware', Dr Richard Oppenlander tackles the crucial issue of global depletion as it relates to food choice. We should all be committed, he tells us, to understanding the reality and consequences of our diet, the footprint it makes on our environment, and seek food products that are in the best interest of all living things. His forthright information and stark mental images are often disturbing - and that's how it should be. As the guardians of Planet Earth, we need to be shaken out of our complacency, to stop being comfortably unaware, and to understand the measures we must take to ensure the health and well-being of our planet - and of ourselves.

Conscious Eating

Gabriel Cousens

'Conscious Eating' has been referred to as the "Bible of Vegetarians," for both beginners and advanced students of health. This classic work in the field of live-food nutrition is an inspirational journey and a manual for life. Included is new information on enzymes, vegetarian nutrition for pregnancy, and an innovative international 14-day menu of gourmet, Kosher, vegetarian, live-food cuisine, plus 150 recipes.


Kip Andersen & Keegan Kuhn

Follow the shocking, yet humorous, journey of an aspiring environmentalist as he daringly seeks to find the real solution to the most pressing environmental issues and true path to sustainability in this revealing documentary film.  

Creatures of the Same God: Explorations in Animal Theology

Andrew Linzey

"I don’t know why you’re spending all your time on this. They're only animals for heaven’s sake!" That was the reaction of one of Andrew Linzey’s fellow students at King s College, London, when he was studying theology in the 1970s. Since then, the now Rev. Dr Andrew Linzey has been arguing that animals aren’t only anything, but rather that they matter to God, and should do so to us. In this collection of essays, Linzey counters with his customary wit, erudition, and insight, some contemporary (and perhaps surprising) challenges to animal rights from ecotheologians, the Church, and politicians. He contends that far from the sometimes shallow judgments of those who think animals unworthy of theological consideration, the Christian tradition has a wellspring of sources and resources available to taking animals seriously. Instead of being marginal to the Christian experience, Linzey concludes, animals can take their rightful place alongside human beings as creatures of the same God.

Dead Zone: Where the Wild Things Were

Philip Lymbery

Most of us are aware that many animals are threatened by extinction - the plight of creatures such as polar bears, tigers, and whales has been well publicised. While this is typically attributed to climate change and habitat destruction, few people realise that there is a direct link to consumer demand for cheap meat. Some may see intensive farming as a necessary evil. After all, we need to produce more food for a growing global population and are led to believe that squeezing animals into factory farms and growing crops in vast, chemical-soaked prairies is efficient and leaves land free for wildlife - but this is far from the truth. With the limits of the planet's resources now seemingly within touching distance, awareness is growing about how the wellbeing of society depends on a thriving natural world. Through the lens of a dozen iconic and endangered species, 'Dead Zone' examines the role of industrial farming in their plight and meets the people doing something about it.

Diet for a New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness and the Future of Life on Earth

John Robbins

From John Robbins, a new edition of the classic that awakened the conscience of a nation. Since the 1987 publication of Diet for a New America, beef consumption in the United States has fallen a remarkable 19%. While many forces are contributing to this dramatic shift in our habits, Diet for a New America is considered to be one of the most important. Diet for a New America is a startling examination of the food we currently buy and eat in the United States, and the astounding moral, economic, and emotional price we pay for it.In Section I, John Robbins takes an extraordinary look at our dependence on animals for food and the inhumane conditions under which these animals are raised. It becomes clear that the price we pay for our eating habits is measured in the suffering of animals, a suffering so extreme and needless that it disrupts our very place in the web of life.

Dining In The Raw

Rita Romano

Celebrating the health benefits of raw foods, a noted chef and nutrition expert combines macrobiotic, vegan, allergy-free, and raw-food dietary programs in a guide that explains how raw foods can help control overeating, normalize weight, retard aging, and promote healing.


Chris Delforce

'Dominion' is a feature-length documentary presenting an uncompromising, damning exploration of the various ways animals are used and abused by humans, particularly in the meat, dairy, egg, clothing and entertainment industries. Filmed in Australia, ‘Dominion’ combines footage from handheld, hidden, and aerial drone cameras, much of it never seen before, to convey both the terrifying scale of an empire built on secrecy – and the individual stories of its victims. Focusing on the legal, industry-standard practices that occur all over the world, the film questions the morality and validity of humankind’s dominion over the animal kingdom, advocating not for minor improvements to their welfare but for a deeper conversation about our right to exploit those we deem inferior to ourselves.

Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy

Matthew Scully

"And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."- Genesis 1:24-26 In this crucial passage from the Old Testament, God grants mankind power over animals. But with this privilege comes the grave responsibility to respect life, to treat animals with simple dignity and compassion. Somewhere along the way, something has gone wrong. In 'Dominion', we witness the annual convention of Safari Club International, an organisation whose wealthier members will pay up to $20,000 to hunt an elephant, a lion or another animal, either abroad or in American 'safari ranches', where the animals are fenced in pens. We attend the annual International Whaling Commission conference, where the skewed politics of the whaling industry come to light, and the focus is on developing more lethal, but not more merciful, methods of harvesting 'living marine resources'. And we visit a gargantuan American 'factory farm', where animals are treated as mere product and raised in conditions of mass confinement, bred for passivity and bulk, inseminated and fed with machines, kept in tightly confined stalls for the entirety of their lives, and slaughtered in a way that maximises profits and minimises decency. Throughout 'Dominion', Scully counters the hypocritical arguments that attempt to excuse animal abuse: from those who argue that the Bible's message permits mankind to use animals as it pleases, to the hunter's argument that through hunting animal populations are controlled, to the popular and 'scientifically proven' notions that animals cannot feel pain, experience no emotions, and are not conscious of their own lives. The result is eye opening, painful and infuriating, insightful and rewarding. 'Dominion' is a plea for human benevolence and mercy, a scathing attack on those who would dismiss animal activists as mere sentimentalists, and a demand for reform from the government down to the individual. Matthew Scully has created a groundbreaking work, a book of lasting power and importance for all of us.

Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease

Dr. Dean Ornish

“Whether or not you think you’ll ever be concerned about your heart, this is likely to be the most useful book about health you’ll read this year, maybe ever.”ESQUIREIn this breakthrough book, Dr. Dean Ornish presents dramatic evidence that heart disease can be halted or even reversed simply by changing your life-style. Step-by-step he will guide you through the extraordinary Opening Your Heart program that takes you beyond the purely physical side of health care to include the psychological, emotional, and spiritual aspects so vital to healing. This book represents the best modern medicine has to offer. It can inspire you to open your heart to a longer, better, happier life.  

Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes

Dr. Neal Barnard

The scientifically proven system for reversing diabetes without drugs. Tackle diabetes and its complications for good with this updated edition of Dr Neal Barnard's groundbreaking program. Before Dr Barnard’s scientific breakthrough, most health professionals believed that once you developed diabetes, you were stuck with it - and could anticipate one health issue after another, from worsening eyesight and nerve symptoms to heart and kidney problems. But this simply is not true - Dr Barnard has shown that it is often possible to improve insulin sensitivity and tackle type 2 diabetes by following his step-by-step plan, which includes a healthful vegan diet with plenty of recipes to get started, an exercise guide, advice about taking supplements and tracking progress, and troubleshooting tips.


Shaun Monson

Using hidden cameras and never-before-seen footage, documentary film 'Earthlings' chronicles the day-to-day practices of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit.

Eat to Live: The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss

Joel Fuhrman

When Mehmet Oz or any of New York’s leading doctors has a patient whose life depends on losing weight, they call on Joel Fuhrman, M.D. In EAT TO LIVE, Dr. Fuhrman offers his healthy, effective, and scientifically proven plan for shedding radical amounts of weight quickly, and keeping it off.Losing weight under Dr. Fuhrman’s plan is not about willpower, it is about knowledge. The key to this revolutionary diet is the idea of nutrient density, as expressed by the simple formula Health=Nutrients/Calories. When the ratio of nutrients to calories is high, fat melts away and health is restored. Losing 20 pounds in two to three weeks is just the beginning. The more high-nutrient food Dr. Fuhrman’s patients consume, the more they are satisfied with fewer calories, and the less they crave fat and high-calorie foods. Designed for people who must lose 50 pounds or more in a hurry, EAT TO LIVE works for every dieter, even those who want to lose as little as 10 pounds quickly. No willpower required-just knowledge!

Eating Animals

Jonathan Safran Foer

Jonathan Safran Foer spent much of his life oscillating between enthusiastic carnivore and occasional vegetarian. Once he started a family, the moral dimensions of food became increasingly important. Faced with the prospect of being unable to explain why we eat some animals and not others, Foer set out to explore the origins of many eating traditions and the fictions involved with creating them. Traveling to the darkest corners of our dining habits, Foer raises the unspoken question behind every fish we eat, every chicken we fry, and every burger we grill.

Eating with Conscience: Bioethics for Consumers

Michael W. Fox

A passionate plea for a revolution in agriculture, animal rights, and consumer choices. This book urges consumers to reassess the business of agriculture, and how a different path must be taken to restore well-being to consumers, farmers, farm animals, and the environment. Fox argues that health and safety are being sacrificed to the bottom line of biotechnology.

Empty Cages: Facing the Challenge of Animal Rights

Tom Regan

Described by Jeffrey Masson as the single best introduction to animal rights ever written, this book by Tom Regan dispels the negative image of animal rights advocates perpetrated by the mass media, unmasks the fraudulent rhetoric of humane treatment favoured by animal exploiters, and explains why existing laws function to legitimise institutional cruelty.

Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare

Marc Bekoff

Human beings' responsibility to and for their fellow animals has become an increasingly controversial subject. This book provides a provocative overview of the many different perspectives on the issues of animal rights and animal welfare in an easy-to-use encyclopedic format. Original contributions, from over 125 well-known philosophers, biologists, and psychologists in this field, create a well-balanced and multi-disciplinary work. Users will be able to examine critically the varied angles and arguments and gain a better understanding of the history and development of animal rights and animal protectionist movements around the world.

Enzyme Nutrition

Edward Howell

Dr. Howell is often called the “father of food enzymes.” During the ’30′s and’40′s of this century, he did incredible research to prove that food enzymeswere an essential nutrient, and that cooking and processing of foods destroythem, thereby creating dramatic changes in our ability to digest food and remain healthy. This is a classic in the field.

eSvasa Organic Yellow Pages


India's only yellow pages directory with address and contact details of organic brands, retailers, certification agencies, restaurants etc, across India.

Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust

Charles Patterson

'Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust', by Charles Patterson, Ph.D., describes disturbing parallels between how the Nazis treated their victims and how modern society treats animals. The title is taken from the Yiddish writer and Nobel Laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer, himself a vegetarian: "In relation to them, all people are Nazis; for the animals it is an eternal Treblinka.” The first part of the book describes the emergence of humans as the master species and their domination of the rest of the inhabitants of the earth. The second part examines the industrialisation of slaughter (of both animals and humans) that took place in modern times, while the last part of the book profiles Jewish and German animal advocates on both sides of the Holocaust. The foreword is by Lucy Kaplan, a former attorney for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), who is the daughter of Holocaust survivors.

Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat

Philip Lymbery & Isabel Oakeshott

Farm animals have been disappearing from our fields as the production of food has become a global industry. We no longer know for certain what is entering the food chain and what we are eating – as the UK horsemeat scandal demonstrated. We are reaching a tipping point as the farming revolution threatens our countryside, health and the quality of our food wherever we live in the world. 'Farmageddon' is a fascinating and terrifying investigative journey behind the closed doors of a runaway industry across the world – from the UK, Europe and the USA, to China, Argentina, Peru and Mexico. It is both a wake-up call to change our current food production and eating practices and an attempt to find a way to a better farming future.

Fast Food Nation

Eric Schlosser

Fast food has hastened the mauling of our landscape, widened the chasm between rich and poor, fueled an epidemic of obesity, and propelled American cultural imperialism abroad. That’s a lengthy list of charges, but Eric Schlosser makes them stick with an artful mix of first-rate reportage, wry wit, and careful reasoning. Schlosser’s myth-shattering survey stretches from California’s subdivisions, where the business was born, to the industrial corridor along the New Jersey Turnpike, where many of fast food’s flavours are concocted. Along the way, he unearths a trove of fascinating, unsettling truths — from the unholy alliance between fast food and Hollywood to the seismic changes the industry has wrought in food production, popular culture, and even real estate.

Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal

Eric Schlosser

Fast food has hastened the mauling of our landscape, widened the chasm between rich and poor, fueled an epidemic of obesity, and propelled American cultural imperialism abroad. That’s a lengthy list of charges, but here Eric Schlosser makes them stick with an artful mix of first-rate reportage, wry wit, and careful reasoning. Schlosser’s myth-shattering survey stretches from California’s subdivisions where the business was born to the industrial corridor along the New Jersey Turnpike where many fast food’s flavors are concocted. Along the way, he unearths a trove of fascinating, unsettling truths — from the unholy alliance between fast food and Hollywood to the seismic changes the industry has wrought in food production, popular culture, and even real estate. He also uncovers the fast food chains’ disturbing efforts to reel in the youngest, most susceptible consumers even while they hone their institutionalised exploitation of teenagers and minorities.

Fatal Harvest: The Tragedy Of Industrial Agriculture

'Fatal Harvest' takes an unprecedented look at our current ecologically destructive agricultural system and offers a compelling vision for an organic and environmentally safer way of producing the food we eat. The Fatal Harvest Reader brings together in an affordable paperback edition the essays included in 'Fatal Harvest', offering a concise overview of the failings of industrial agriculture and approaches to creating a more healthful and sustainable food system.

Food for Life: How the New Four Food Groups Can Save Your Life

Neal Barnard

Citing overwhelming medical evidence previously downplayed by powerful lobby groups, Dr. Barnard reveals why a diet based on the new four food groups (grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits) will sharply decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease and dramatically increase life expectancy. He also unveils a 21-day program for a smooth transition to the new way of eating healthfully. Line drawings.

For a Moment of Taste: How What You Eat Impacts Animals, the Planet and Your Health

Poorva Joshipura

For a Moment of Taste is the first ever in-depth expose of what happens to animals commonly used for meat, eggs and dairy foods in India for what is, after all, a fleeting moment of taste. It gives a historical account of how today's meat, eggs and dairy production systems came to be; the current state of these industries in India; and the consequences of where they are headed if dietary habits and current trends do not change. Poorva Joshipura, a senior member of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), draws on her personal observations of the treatment of animals and uncovers shocking industry practices not commonly known in India. She also explores the larger philosophical question of whether humans are meant to consume meat, eggs or dairy foods, provides anthropological evidence to the contrary, and also lays out the human health and environmental impacts of the production and consumption of animal-based products. This eye-opening book will lead many readers to examine and modify their eating habits.

Forks Over Knives

Directed by Lee Fulkerson

This documentary film examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the chronic diseases that afflict us can be controlled or even reversed by rejecting animal-based and processed foods. The major storyline traces the personal journeys of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a nutritional biochemist from Cornell University, and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, a former top surgeon at the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic. On separate paths, their discoveries and groundbreaking research led them to the same startling conclusion: chronic diseases including heart disease and type 2 diabetes can almost always be prevented - and in many cases reversed - by adopting a whole food, plant-based diet. The idea of food as medicine is put to the test. The film follows everyday Americans with chronic conditions as they seek to reduce their dependence on medications and learn to use a whole food, plant-based diet to regain control over their health and their lives.

Forks Over Knives – The Cookbook

Del Sroufe

A whole foods, plant-based diet that has never been easier or tastier. Learn to cook the Forks Over Knives way with more than 300 recipes for every day! Forks Over Knives, the book, the film, the movement, is back again in a cookbook. The secret is out: if you want to lose weight, lower your cholesterol, avoid cancer, and prevent (or even reverse) type 2 diabetes and heart disease, the right food is your best medicine. Thousands of people have cut out meat, dairy, and oils and seen amazing results. If you're among them - or you would like to be - you need this cookbook. Del Sroufe, the man behind some of the mouthwatering meals in the landmark documentary, proves that the Forks Over Knives philosophy is not about what you can't eat, but what you can. Chef Del transforms wholesome fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes into hundreds of recipes: classic and unexpected, globally and seasonally inspired, and for every meal of the day, all through the year.

Forks Over Knives: Flavor!

Darshana Thacker

Delicious, Whole-Food, Plant-Based Recipes to Cook Every Day. Head chef Darshana Thacker offers 150 delicious, all-new, easy-to-prepare whole-food, plant-based recipes for internationally inspired meals. Now, Forks Over Knives shows you how to take your whole-food kitchen to the next level, adding international flair to every meal. 'Forks Over Knives: Flavor!' showcases dozens of recipes - all exclusive to this book - accompanied by over eighty gorgeous photographs that capture the flavours of cuisines from around the world. Sure to please health-conscious eaters and the most discriminating palates, these oil-free, plant-based riffs on culinary favourites teach readers new techniques and introduce them to heady spice blends and a wide range of ethnic traditions from around the globe. Convenient, affordable, and wildly creative, 'Forks Over Knives: Flavor!' is a must-have for the health-conscious cook.

Good Natured: The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals

Frans B. M. de Waal

In 'Good Natured' Frans de Waal, ethologist and primatologist, asks us to reconsider human morality in light of moral aspects that can be identified in animals. Within the complex negotiations of human society, a moral action may involve thoughts and feelings of guilt, reciprocity, obligation, expectations, rules, or community concern. De Waal finds these aspects of morality prevalent in other animal societies, mostly primate, and suggests that the two philosophical camps supporting nature and nurture may have to be disbanded in order to adequately understand human morality. A theoretician, de Waal is meticulous in his research, cautious not to extrapolate too much from his findings, and logically sound in his arguments. He also writes with precision and a flair for the dramatic, carrying readers along with graceful ease and vivid examples.

Good News for All Creation: Vegetarianism as Christian Stewardship

Stephen R. Kaufman

'Good News for All Creation' notes that plant-based diets reflect the love, compassion, and peace of Christ, and they constitute good, responsible stewardship of God's Creation. Using traditional Christian teachings, the authors make a compelling case that, if Jesus were among us today, he would choose to be vegetarian.

Gristle: From Factory Farms to Food Safety

Moby & Miyun Park

Where's the beef? In the news, that's where. More than ever, meat is making the headlines and growing numbers of people are becoming more informed and passionate about what they eat. The facts are compelling: contamination cases are on the rise, obesity has become pandemic in the United States, and the animal agriculture sector is responsible for more human-induced greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation sector. It's no wonder that millions of people are thinking twice about meat. An information-packed, lively, and informative little guide, Gristle is for the growing number of people -from omnivores to vegans - who are thinking twice about the consequences of our industrial factory-farming system of raising animals for food.

Guilt-Free Vegan Cookbook: Oil, Sugar, Gluten and Dairy Free Vegetarian Recipes

Mala Barua & Nandini Gulati

The ultimate, reader-friendly guide into the world of food that is free of sugar, gluten, oil, dairy, and of course, guilt! This book features carefully curated, delicious, and healthy recipes covering a range of cuisines including Indian, Thai, Italian, Mediterranean, and American. Easy-to-cook and requiring ingredients commonly found in every kitchen, these whole plant-based recipes have been known to cure a variety of lifestyle diseases and also keep the bulge at bay. With the focus being on mindful, conscious, and sustainable eating, the authors successfully de-mystify the world of health food without compromising on taste, style, or simplicity.

Healthy Eating for Life for Children

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Nourish Your Child for Optimum health and well-beingAll parents want to do the very best for the long-term health and well-being of their children, and nutrition plays a major role in that process. This book shows you where to start. Drawing on the latest medical and dietary research, Healthy Eating for Life for Children presents a complete and sensible plant-based nutrition program that can help you promote and maintain excellent health and good eating habits for your children throughout their lives.Covering all stages of childhood from birth through adolescence, this book provides detailed nutritional guidelines that have been carefully drafted by an expert panel of Physicians Committee doctors and nutritionists, along with 91 delicious, easy-to-make recipes to help you put these healthy eating principles to work right away. Healthy Eating for Life for Children contains important information on: Eating for two–nutrition in pregnancy Worry-free breast- feeding and bottle-feeding options Nutrition for hyperactivity and attention problems Eating disorders and body image issues Achieving healthy weight and fitness levels Healthy eating for young athletes And more

Healthy Eating for Life for Women

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Eat your way to better health and well-being Making simple changes to your diet can significantly improve your health, from easing your menstrual and menopausal symptoms to strengthening your bones and protecting your heart. This book shows you how. Drawing from the latest medical and dietary research, Healthy Eating for Life for Women presents a complete and sensible plant-based nutrition program that will help you look and feel better, with more energy and vitality than ever before. This book gives you a clear look at how women’s bodies work and how common health problems arise, then provides detailed nutritional guidelines that have been carefully drafted by Physicians Committee nutrition experts. It includes over 100 delicious, easy-to-make recipes to help you put these healthy eating principles to work right away. Healthy Eating for Life for Women contains important information on: * Age-proofing from the inside out * Losing weight * Improving fertility and alleviating PMS * Relieving menopausal symptoms * Preventing cancer and arthritis * And more No matter what your age or diet history, this book will give you the crucial knowledge you need to take charge now- of your eating, your health, and your life.

Healthy Eating for Life to Prevent and Treat Cancer

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

A simple new dietary approach to cancer prevention and treatment Current research has shown that what you eat is one of the strongest factors in preventing cancer. You can take advantage of this fact to safeguard your health–and this book shows you how. Drawing on the latest medical and dietary research, Healthy Eating for Life to Prevent and Treat Cancer presents a complete and sensible plant-based nutrition program that can help make cancer less likely–and also help those already diagnosed to heal.Showing how you can put food to work against today’s most common forms of cancer (including lung, breast, prostate, ovarian, cervical, and digestive tract cancers), this book provides detailed nutritional guidelines that have been carefully drafted by Physicians Committee nutrition experts. The book includes over 80 delicious, easy-to-make recipes to help you put these healthy eating principles to work right away. Healthy Eating for Life to Prevent and Treat Cancer contains important information on: Antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and other protective weapons Foods that boost the immune system Nutrition during cancer treatment Exercise and weight management Stress-reduction techniques And more

Healthy Eating for Life to Prevent and Treat Diabetes

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

A simple new dietary approach to preventing and treating diabetes. You can help prevent and control diabetes through simple diet and lifestyle changes that are a pleasure to make instead of a chore. This book shows you how. Drawing on the latest diabetes research, Healthy Eating for Life to Prevent and Treat Diabetes presents a complete and sensible plant-based nutrition program that can help you prevent, manage, and, in certain cases, even reverse diabetes.Covering Type 1(childhood-onset), Type 2 (adult-onset), and gestational diabetes, this book provides detailed nutritional guidelines that have been carefully drafted by Physicians Committee diabetes experts, along with nearly 100 delicious, easy-to-make recipes to help you put these healthy eating principles to work right away. Healthy Eating for Life to Prevent and Treat Diabetes contains important information on: Exercise and lifestyle issues Achieving and maintaining healthy weight Diabetes and pregnancy Preventing complications from diabetes And more

How Not To Die

Dr Michael Greger

Why rely on drugs and surgery to cure you of life-threatening disease when the right decisions can prevent you from falling ill to begin with? 'How Not To Die' gives effective, scientifically-proven nutritional advice to prevent our biggest killers - including heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes - and reveals the astounding health benefits that simple dietary choices can provide. Based on the latest scientific research, the internationally bestselling 'How Not To Die' examines each of the most common diseases to reveal what, how and why different foods affect us, and how increasing our consumption of certain foods and avoiding others can dramatically reduce our risk of falling sick and even reverse the effects of disease.

How to Survive a Pandemic

Michael Greger

As the world grapples with the devastating impact of COVID-19, Dr Greger reveals not only what we can do to protect ourselves and our loved ones during a pandemic, but also what human society must rectify to reduce the likelihood of even worse catastrophes in the future. From tuberculosis to bird flu and HIV to coronavirus, these infectious diseases share a common origin story: human interaction with animals. Otherwise known as zoonotic diseases for their passage from animals to humans, these pathogens - both pre-existing ones and those newly identified – emerge and re-emerge throughout history, sparking epidemics and pandemics that have resulted in millions of deaths around the world.

In Defense of Animals: The Second Wave

Peter Singer

'In Defense of Animals: The Second Wave' brings together the best current ethical thinking about animals. Edited by Peter Singer, who made “speciesism” an international issue in 1975 when he published 'Animal Liberation', this new book presents the state of the animal movement that his classic work helped to inspire. Long hailed as a brilliant and controversial philosopher, Singer has assembled incisive new articles by philosophers and by activists. 'In Defense of Animals' is sure to inform and inspire all who want to understand, or contribute to, the unfolding moral revolution in the way we treat animals.  

Livestock, Ethics and Quality of Life

J. Hodges

The science of animal production has become headline news. The cloning of sheep, the use of pig xenotransplants and bovine somatotrophin, as well as mad-cow disease, are all examples of how livestock production is related to food safety, human health, ethics and quality of life. The relationship between intensive developed-world animal production and third world development also raises ethical issues. These are just some of the topics addressed in this book, which has its origin in a special symposium held at the VIII World Congress on Animal Production held in June 1998 in Korea. Additional chapters have been specially commissioned for inclusion in the book.

Livestock’s Long Shadow

UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)

This FAO report aims to assess the full impact of the livestock sector on environmental problems, along with potential technical and policy approaches to mitigation. The assessment is based on the most recent and complete data available, taking into account direct impacts, along with the impacts of feedcrop agriculture required for livestock production. The livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global. The findings of this report suggest that it should be a major policy focus when dealing with problems of land degradation, climate change and air pollution, water shortage and water pollution and loss of biodiversity. Livestock’s contribution to environmental problems is on a massive scale and its potential contribution to their solution is equally large. The impact is so significant that it needs to be addressed with urgency. Major reductions in impact could be achieved at reasonable cost.

Living in the Raw: Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle

Rose Lee Calabro

Follow easy suggestions for how to sprout and dehydrate a host of beans, grains and seeds and use them in conjunction with fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices to create nutritious, healing foods. Over 300 recipes are given for everything from breads, crackers, cakes and ice cream to appetizers, hearty main dishes and soups. Includes sections on setting up a living foods kitchen and why a raw foods diet will help anyone feel and look great.

Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won’t Eat Meat

Howard F. Lyman

Howard Lyman's testimony on The Oprah Winfrey Show revealed the deadly impact of the livestock industry on our well-being. It not only led to Oprah's declaration that she'd never eat a burger again, it sent shock waves through a concerned and vulnerable public. A fourth-generation Montana rancher, Lyman investigated the use of chemicals in agriculture after developing a spinal tumor that nearly paralysed him. Now a vegetarian, he blasts through the propaganda of beef and dairy interests - and the government agencies that protect them - to expose an animal-based diet as the primary cause of cancer, heart disease, and obesity in this country. He warns that the livestock industry is repeating the mistakes that led to Mad Cow disease in England while simultaneously causing serious damage to the environment. Persuasive, straightforward, and full of the down-home good humour and optimism of a son of the soil, 'Mad Cowboy' is both an inspirational story of personal transformation and a convincing call to action for a plant-based diet - for the good of the planet and the health of us all.

Meat Market: Animals, Ethics, and Money

Erik Marcus

'Meat Market' elevates the debate over animal agriculture. Erik Marcus exposes and clears away the exaggerated claims and counterclaims put forth by the meat industry and its opponents. In the process, Marcus presents a thorough examination of animal agriculture's cruelties and its far-reaching social costs. Marcus then considers the discouraging progress made by the animal protection movement. He evaluates where the movement has gone wrong, and how its shortcomings could best be remedied.

Mercy for Animals

Nathan Runkle

One man's quest to inspire compassion and improve the lives of farm animals. A compelling look at animal welfare and factory farming in the United States from 'Mercy For Animals', the leading international force in preventing cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices and policies. Nathan Runkle would have been a fifth-generation farmer in his small midwestern town. Instead, he founded USA's leading nonprofit organisation for protecting factory farmed animals. In 'Mercy For Animals', Nathan brings us into the trenches of his organisation’s work; from MFA’s early days in grassroots activism, to dangerous and dramatic experiences doing undercover investigations, to the organisation’s current large-scale efforts at making sweeping legislative change to protect factory farmed animals and encourage compassionate food choices.

Naturally Sweet Vegan Treats

By Marisa Alvarsson

Plant-Based Delights Free From Refined and Artificial Sweeteners. Have Your (Naturally-Sweetened) Cake and Eat It Too. Satisfy your sweet tooth the healthy way with these delicious plant-based treats free from refined sugar and artificial sweeteners. Each recipe is sweetened with natural alternatives like nuts, coconut, spices, vegetables, fruit, maple syrup and coconut sugar, so you can indulge without worrying about unhealthy, chemical additives. Savour decadent desserts like Chocolate Celebration Cake, sweetened only with fruit and sweet potato. Or quickly whip up easy no-bake options like date-sweetened Mocha Balls. For a sweet start to your day, try breakfast dishes like Pumpkin Spice Pumpkin Pancakes, sweetened with spices, coconut oil and a little bit of maple syrup, or Pear and Blackberry Breakfast Pastries, sweetened with coconut sugar and homemade jam.

Organic Food Marketing in Urban Centres of India

Nina Osswald and Manoj Kumar Menon

Organic Food Marketing in Urban Centres of India gives an up-to-date overview of urban markets for organic food. Based on research conducted in three metropolitan cities in 2011-12, the book examines the broad variety of supply chains, retail outlets and other marketing initiatives in urban India, ranging from organised retail to community-supported agriculture. The authors document challenges and obstacles in organic food supply chains as well as successful strategies. A number of case studies of successful marketing initiatives illustrate the various approaches and challenges along the organic supply chain. The book also includes the most comprehensive bibliography currently available on the Indian domestic market for organic food.

Organic Revolution

Bharat Mansata

This remarkable story demolishes the myth that organic farming can never feed the world! It does far more. Holistically adopted, it revitalises society, enhances the environment and safeguards future generations. In the current raging debate over rapid urban-industrial uprooting of farmers, here is one example that India, China, and the rest of the world can no longer ignore. Cuba’s Organic Revolution began suddenly, under compulsion. A decade later, in 1999, the Swedish Parliament presented the Right Livelihood Award, or ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’, to GAO, the Cuban Organic Farming Association - for “showing that organic agriculture is a key to both food security and environmental sustainability.” Its economy, health, education, energy efficiency, water security, are all big gainers. In 2006, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Global Footprint Network declared Cuba is the only country on earth to achieve sustainable development! The American Journal of Public Health reported a 45% decline in cardiovascular diseases. Cuba’s bio-diverse agro-ecology and forest cover exceeding 25% also counter global warming.

Pandemics: Global Health and Consumer Choices

Cynthia Shuck Paim & Wladimer Alonso

This short book was written in late March 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic that has shaken humanity out of its routine. This book also addresses this pandemic, but it does not contain formulas or advice on how to overcome it. What it does is to take the opportunity to foster a discussion on how to reduce the chances of this type of catastrophe occurring again in the future, and how each of us can play an active role in this regard. The good news is that - as the reader will see - even when discussing the threats posed by emerging pandemics, epidemics, and infectious disease outbreaks, there is reason to be hopeful and optimistic. Fortunately, reducing many of the risks posed by new pathogens and other global health challenges depends on human action. And humanity has already proven to be ingenious enough to successfully overcome even more difficult challenges when we rise to the occasion.  

Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual

Bill Mollison

Permaculture (permanent agriculture) is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. Without permanent agriculture there is no possibility of a stable social order. Permaculture design is a system of assembling conceptual, material, and strategic components in a pattern which functions to benefit life in all its forms. The philosophy behind permaculture is one of working with, rather than against, nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless action; of looking at systems in all their functions rather than asking only one yield of them; and of allowing systems to demonstrate their own evolutions.

Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability

David Holmgren

Holmgren draws a correlation between every aspect of how we organize our lives, communities and landscapes and our ability to creatively adapt to the ecological realities that shape human destiny. For students and teachers of permaculture, this book provides something more fundamental and distilled than Mollison's encyclopedic Designers Manual. For the general reader, it provides refreshing perspectives on a range of environmental issues and shows how permaculture is much more than just a system of gardening. For anyone seriously interested in understanding the foundations of sustainable design and culture, this book is essential reading. Although a book of ideas, the big picture is repeatedly grounded by reference to Holmgren's own place, Melliodora, and other practical examples.

Philosophy and Animal Life

Stanley Cavell , Cora Diamond , John McDowell , Ian Hacking , Cary

'Philosophy and Animal Life' offers a new way of thinking about animal rights, our obligation to animals, and the nature of philosophy itself. Cora Diamond begins with 'The Difficulty of Reality and the Difficulty of Philosophy', in which she accuses analytical philosophy of evading, or deflecting, the responsibility of human beings toward non-human animals. Diamond then explores the animal question as it is bound up with the more general problem of philosophical skepticism. Focusing specifically on J. M. Coetzee’s 'The Lives of Animals', she considers the failure of language to capture the vulnerability of humans and animals. Stanley Cavell responds to Diamond’s argument with his own close reading of Coetzee’s work, connecting the human-animal relation to further themes of morality and philosophy. John McDowell follows with a critique of both Diamond and Cavell, and Ian Hacking explains why Cora Diamond’s essay is so deeply perturbing and, paradoxically for a philosopher, he favours poetry over philosophy as a way of overcoming some of her difficulties.

Plant-Based Cookbook: Good for Your Heart, Your Health, and Your Life

Trish Sebben-Krupka

'Plant-Based Cookbook' includes 200 satisfying and delicious meatless, dairy-free recipes - plus everything you need to know to begin eating a plant-based diet. The health benefits of a plant-based diet are at your fingertips in this all-inclusive cookbook with 200 hearty vegetarian and vegan recipes, from basics such as stocks and sauces to appetisers, meatless mains, bakes and casseroles, grains and pasta, tofu, tempeh, and seitan, desserts, and more.

Plant-Based Cookbook: Over 500 Whole Food Plant-Based Recipes for Excellent Health and Weight Loss

Gregory Moore

Discover over 500 of the most healthiest recipes for any meal of the day! Plant-based whole food vegan recipes are the pinnacle of peak health. Going on a plant-based diet does not necessarily mean that you eliminate meat and other alike foods completely. Making the majority of your diet healthy greens and other vegan recipes are what this is about. This book contains non-meat recipes with available servings for each. With this book as your tool towards your goals of excellent health and weight loss, you will find these variety of recipes as the best resource for your cooking needs!

Plant-Based Diet Cookbook: The 600 Delicious, Healthy Whole Food Recipes For Plant-Based Eating All Through the Year

Jennifer Newman

Choosing a plant-based diet is good for your health, your wallet, and the environment. The 'Plant-Based Diet Cookbook' has dozens of tasty whole-food recipes for people who want to switch from eating meat, dairy, and eggs, to eating vegetables, whole grains, and other plant-based foods. Whether your doctor encouraged you to eat a plant-based diet or you are exploring a new way of eating, this cookbook has everything you need to get started. You'll find nutritional information for each recipe, a guide to eating a plant-based diet even when you don't want to cook, tips for stocking your kitchen, and more. When it comes to your health and your taste buds, now you're cooking!

Plant-Powered Families: Over 100 Kid-Tested, Whole-Foods Vegan Recipes

Dreena Burton

Get your whole family excited about eating healthy! Veteran cookbook author Dreena Burton shows a whole foods, plant-based diet can be easy, delicious, and healthy for your entire family. In 'Plant-Powered Families', Burton shares over 100 whole-food, vegan recipes--tested and approved by her own three children. Your family will love the variety of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, and snacks, including: Pumpkin Pie, Smoothie, Vanilla Bean Chocolate Chip Cookies, Cinnamon French Toast, No-Bake Granola Bars, Creamy Fettuccine, Sneaky Chickpea Burgers, Apple Pie, Chia Pudding, plus salad dressings, sauces, and sprinkles that will dress up any dish! With tips for handling challenges that come with every age and stage--from toddler to teen years --'Plant-Powered Families' is a perfect reference for parents raising "weegans" or families looking to transition to a vegan diet. Burton shares advice and solutions from her own experience for everything from pleasing picky eaters and stocking a vegan pantry to packing school lunches and dealing with challenging social situations. 'Plant-Powered Families' also includes nutritionist-approved references for dietary concerns that will ensure a smooth and successful transition for your own plant-powered family!

PlantPure Nation

Nelson Campbell

'PlantPure Nation' tells the story of three people on a quest to spread the message of one of the most important health breakthroughs of all time. After nutritional scientist and author Dr. T. Colin Campbell speaks to the Kentucky legislature, his oldest son Nelson works with Kentucky State Representative Tom Riner to propose a pilot program documenting the health benefits of a plant-based diet. Through this well intentioned effort, they inadvertently set in motion a series of events that expose powerful forces opposed to the diet. After industry lobbyists kill the pilot program, Nelson decides to try his own grassroots approach in his hometown of Mebane, North Carolina, before circling back to Kentucky for a dramatic ending.

Portrait of a Burger as a Young Calf

Peter Lovenheim

'Portrait of a Burger as a Young Calf' is the provocative true story of Peter Lovenheim’s hands-on journey into the dairy and beef industries as he follows his calves from conception to possible consumption. In the process, he gets to know the good, hard-working people who raise our cattle and make milk products, beef, and veal available to consumers like you and me. He supplies us with a “fly on the wall” view of how these animals are used to put food on America’s very abundant tables. Constantly vigilant about wanting to be an observer who never interferes, Lovenheim allows the reader to see every aspect of a cow’s life, without passing judgment. Reading this book will forever change the way you think about food and the people and animals who provide it for us.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure

Dr Caldwell Esselstyn

Based on the groundbreaking results of his twenty-year nutritional study, 'Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease' by Dr Caldwell Esselstyn illustrates that a plant-based, oil-free diet can not only prevent the progression of heart disease but can also reverse its effects. Dr Esselstyn is an internationally known surgeon, researcher and former clinician at the Cleveland Clinic and a featured expert in the acclaimed documentary 'Forks Over Knives'. 'Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease' has helped thousands across the country, and is the book behind Bill Clinton’s life-changing vegan diet.

Prisoned Chickens Poisoned Eggs

Karen Davis

Karen Davis wrote 'Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs' in the mid-1990s to focus attention on the billions of chickens buried alive on factory farms. The book was a catalyst for animal rights activists seeking to develop effective strategies to expose and relieve the plight of chickens. United Poultry Concerns campaign in the 1990s to reveal the U.S. egg industry's cruel practice of starving hens to force them to molt their feathers and cut the cost of egg production was decisive in shifting advocacy attention to chickens and the hidden causes of Salmonella and Campylobacter food poisoning. This new edition documents what has happened since the book first appeared the waging of high-profile campaigns to get rid of battery cages for laying hens, undercover investigations exposing the appalling cruelty to chickens and turkeys by poultry industry workers, globalisation of chicken production and its effect on the environment and spread of avian influenza, and how farm animal sanctuaries have become key players in debunking industry myths with truthful accounts of the sensitive and intelligent birds being brutalised in the name of food. It also effectively explains why these birds are so ill, why eating them makes people sick, and what can be done to cure the pathology of the modern poultry industry.

Project Animal Farm

Sonia Faruqi

An accidental journey into the secret world of farming and the truth about our food. Born out of a global expedition fearlessly undertaken by a young woman, 'Project Animal Farm' offers a riveting and revealing look at what truly happens behind farm doors. Surrounded by a colourful cast of characters, Faruqi's quest to discover the truth about modern agribusiness took her around the world, from egg warehouses in Canada to dairy feedlots in the US, pig facilities in Malaysia, chicken factories in Mexico, Mennonite pastures in Belize, and more. Lively, edgy, and balanced, 'Project Animal Farm' sheds light on the international agribusiness, with the ultimate goal of improving the lives of farm animals here at home. Using her finance background to forecast the future of agriculture, Faruqi discusses the changes we need to make - using our forks and our votes.

Proteinaholic: How our obsession with meat is killing us and what we can do about it

Garth Davis

An acclaimed surgeon specialising in weight loss delivers a paradigm-shifting examination of the diet and health industry’s focus on protein, explaining why it is detrimental to our health, and can prevent us from losing weight. Whether you are seeing a doctor, nutritionist, or a trainer, all of them advise to eat more protein. Foods, drinks, and supplements are loaded with extra protein. Many people use protein for weight control, to gain or lose pounds, while others believe it gives them more energy and is essential for a longer, healthier life. Now, Dr Garth Davis, an expert in weight loss asks, “Is all this protein making us healthier?” The answer, he emphatically argues, is no! Too much protein is actually making us sick, fat, and tired, according to Dr Davis. If you are getting adequate calories in your diet, there is no such thing as protein deficiency.

Rattling the Cage: Toward Legal Rights for Animals

Steven Wise

"This is an impassioned, fascinating, and in many ways startling book.” – Cass Sunstein, New York Times Book Review. 'Rattling the Cage' explains how the failure to recognise the basic legal rights of chimpanzees and bonobos in light of modern scientific findings creates a glaring contradiction in our law. In this witty, moving, persuasive, and impeccably researched argument, Wise demonstrates that the cognitive, emotional, and social capacities of these apes entitle them to freedom from imprisonment and abuse.

Raw: The Uncook Book: New Vegetarian Food for Life

Juliano Brotman

Raw is the first major guide to preparing gourmet raw cuisine, an introduction to the finest dining this planet has to offer, with unique dishes made entirely from vegetarian and living foods. Raw offers ultimate pure flavor, thousands of textures, and beautiful effects on body, mind, soul and the environment! This isn’t 100 variations of salad, but an ultra-gourmet cuisine, which fuses ancient culinary techniques with a modern and practical lifestyle. From sun-baked pizzas, satisfying sandwiches, vegan sushi, the best burritos and sprouted-rice dishes, to sangria and shakes, cookies, pudding, and pies. You’re about to acquaint yourself with the vibrant flavors and miraculous nutrition of plant life in a way you never have before.

Secrets of the Soil

Peter Tompkins & Christropher Bird

Tells the story of the innovative, non-traditional, often surprising things that certain scientists, farmers and mystics are doing to prevent the slow degradation of our planet.

Silent Spring

Rachel Carson

A classic, recognised as one of the most influential books of the 20th century, and which launched the environment movement. It led to the banning of chemicals like DDT in the USA, and the setting up of the US Environment Protection Agency. Four decades later in India, we are still extensively using highly toxic chemicals that are eliminating benign and helpful creatures like earthworms, bees, fish and frogs, while stimulating the evolution of more resistant and virulent pests.


Gail A. Eisnitz

'Slaughterhouse' is the first book of its kind to explore the impact that unprecedented changes in the meatpacking industry over the last twenty-five years - particularly industry consolidation, increased line speeds, and deregulation - have had on workers, animals, and consumers. It is also the first time ever that workers have spoken publicly about what's really taking place behind the closed doors of America's slaughterhouses. In this new paperback edition, author Gail A Eisnitz brings the story up-to-date since the book's original publication. She describes the ongoing efforts by the Humane Farming Association to improve conditions in the meatpacking industry, media exposes that have prompted reforms resulting in multi-million dollar appropriations by Congress to try to enforce federal inspection laws, and a favourable decision by the Supreme Court to block construction of what was slated to be one of the largest hog factory farms in the country. Nonetheless, Eisnitz makes it clear that abuses continue and much work still needs to be done.

Speaking Out for Animals: True Stories About People Who Rescue Animals

Marjorie McHann

A loving celebration of the emotional bond between rescued goldens and their humans, this heartwarming collection of photographs and true stories conveys every aspect of the humour, devotion, fun and inevitable sorrow that exist within this special relationship. And honoured are the volunteers of the rescue organisations that dedicate their time, energy, money, and hearts to this noble endeavour.

Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini

Gabriel Cousens

When we eat, can we feed the soul as well as the body? Can a diet have impact on spirituality? Spiritual Nutrition empowers readers to develop personal diets that are appropriate to their lifestyles and spiritual practices. Drawing on 14 years of clinical experience and research, Dr. Gabriel Cousens discusses nutritional issues that can help answer these questions, including raw vs. cooked food; high vs. low protein; the concepts of assimilation and fasting; alkaline – acid balance; attitudes about food; nutrients, energy, and structure building.In addition, Cousens shares his new dietary system of “spiritual nutrition” that is based on the relationship that the color of the food has to corresponding colors of the human chakra system, hence, the “rainbow diet.” For true nourishment, he strongly promotes the connection of diet to meditation, fellowship, wisdom, and love.

Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply

Vandana Shiva

In this book, “the South’s best known environmentalist” (New Internationalist) and 1993 Right Livelihood Award winner, Vandana Shiva, continues her path-breaking work on uncovering the devastating human and environmental impacts of corporate-engineered international trade agreements. In 'Stolen Harvest', she charts the impacts of industrial agriculture and what they mean for small farmers, the environment, and the quality and healthfulness of the foods we eat. A short, impassioned, and inspiring book that will shape the debate about genetic engineering and commercial agriculture for years to come.

Straight Up Food: Delicious and Easy Plant-based Cooking without Salt, Oil or Sugar

Cathy Fisher

Veteran cooking instructor Cathy Fisher guides you in preparing delicious meals made from the most health-promoting ingredients on the planet! Her recipes call for 100% plant foods: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and contain no animal-derived ingredients: meat (beef, pork, fowl, fish, seafood), eggs, honey, or dairy products (cow's milk, cream, butter, cheese, yoghurt). They are also gluten-free and "SOS-free" (made with no added salt, oil, or sugar). These are dishes that most of us have been eating all of our lives - they've just been given a makeover! Although Cathy emphasises whole foods instead of overly processed foods, flavour is not sacrificed: her recipes simply call for more healthful sources of sodium (salt), richness (fat), and sweetness (sugar). This is not a complicated gourmet cookbook to be admired on the bookshelf, but rather a "let's make really good food so we can feel and look really good" cookbook filled with recipes you will make on a regular basis, like potato salad, pesto pasta, minestrone soup, ranch dressing, and carrot cake.

Striking at the Roots: A Practical Guide to Animal Activism

Mark Hawthorne

Whether you’re new to the world of animal advocacy, a longtime vegan, or traveling somewhere between these points in your life’s journey, 'Striking at the roots: a practical guide to animal activism' is one book you’ll want to read. Activists from all walks of life can glean new tips, tricks, strategies, and perhaps even some much-needed motivation from author/activist Mark Hawthorne’s introductory guide to acting on behalf of animals. 'Striking at the roots' offers an overview of the many types of 'animal activism' that advocates may engage in. These range from traditional to high-tech, visible to behind-the-scenes, and dramatic to low-key. No matter your personality, interests, and talents, you’re sure to find an action you can take to help your fellow earthlings right now.

The 30 Minute Clean Eating Cookbook: 115 Easy, Whole Food Recipes

Kathy Siegel

Clean eating made simple: create healthy whole-food dishes in 30 minutes or less It's time to get a clean eating cookbook that makes it easy and excuse-free! The '30-Minute Clean Eating Cookbook' is filled with essential tips for changing the way you approach mealtime and bursting with more than 100 flavourful recipes that even novice cooks can whip up in a flash. No diets and no fussy techniques: just wholesome food, fast. This clean eating cookbook makes eating well simple with a comprehensive overview, as well as must-have info about the benefits of replacing processed foods with fresh, healthy ingredients. No matter how busy you are, this tasty collection of quick-fix recipes guarantees you'll be able to nourish your body with the nutrients it needs.

The Accidental Vegan

Devra Gartenstein

Eating vegan doesn't have to be hard. These days, home cooks are seeking out simple recipes that unite hearty, satisfying taste with the perks of vegan food - it's healthy, fresh, economical, lactose-free, ethical, and environmentally sustainable. Omnivorous chef Devra Gartenstein accidentally fell into the vegan world more than ten years ago, and she stuck around for the benefits to her body, her taste buds, and the world around her. Never one to fuss in the kitchen, Devra has packed this new edition of her pioneering cookbook with more than 180 basic-ingredient, quick-instruction, maximum-flavour recipes. With appetisers, soups, mains, sides, and desserts inspired by Indian, Thai, Chinese, Middle Eastern, Mexican, Greek, and Italian cuisines, 'The Accidental Vegan' is sure to have vegans and non-vegans alike clamouring for more.

The Animal Manifesto: Six Reasons for Expanding Our Compassion Footprint

Ph.D. Marc Bekoff

A collaborator with legendary primatologist Jane Goodall and the 2000 winner of the Exemplar Award from the Animal Behavior Society, author and Colorado University professor Bekoff (The Emotional Lives of Animals) lays out the “unique responsibilities” of human beings, as “moral agents,” to overcome speciesism and recognise animals “as fellow sentient, emotional beings,” with all the attendant rights that implies. Taking examples from everyday life-from rodeos and circuses to word-processors that replace “who” with “that” when referring to animals-Bekoff illustrates the lengths to which humans go to convince themselves animals don’t think, feel, and suffer like we do. Concerning a topic of growing popularity, Bekoff’s arguments can be less than rigorous; an “unwavering optimist and dreamer,” he focuses more on anecdotes and emotions (“alienation from nature… kills our hearts”) than practicalities or a concrete agenda. Instead, Bekoff encourages readers to start simply, by being “mindful” in their interactions with animals. Addressing a weighty issue with gentle but insistent charm, Bekoff’s manifesto will nudge skeptics in the direction of enlightenment.

The Best in the World

Neal D. Barnard

From a seaside cafe in Portugal, a cozy restaurant in Saint-Tropez, or a trendy night spot in Sydney come recipes that truly are the best in the world. Who would have expected to find the world's best gazpacho just off the Tuileries in Paris, the best burrito in Fargo, North Dakota, or the best minestrone in Munich? But here they are. Whether your taste calls for a touch of the Mediterranean, a Latin American flavour, or a down-home American breakfast, it's all in this unmatched collection of quick, delightful, and wonderfully healthy recipes from the world's best and most unusual restaurants.

The Boundless Circle: Caring for Creatures and Creation

Michael W. Fox

Syndicated columnist and veterinarian Fox examines religion's attitude toward animals and nature.

The Case for Animal Rights

Tom Regan

More than twenty years after its original publication, 'The Case for Animal Rights' is an acknowledged classic of moral philosophy, and its author is recognised as the intellectual leader of the animal rights movement. In a new and fully considered preface, Regan responds to his critics and defends the book’s revolutionary position.

The Cheese Trap

Neal Barnard

How breaking a surprising addiction will help you lose weight, gain energy, and get healthy. Dr Neal Barnard reveals the shocking truth about cheese - the dangerous addiction that is harming your health - and presents a radical program to lose weight and feel great. We've been told that dairy does a body good, but the truth is that cheese can be dangerous. Loaded with calories, fat, and cholesterol, cheese can make you gain weight and leads to a host of health problems like high blood pressure and arthritis. Worse, it contains mild opiates that make it additive, triggering the same brain receptors as heroin and morphine.

The China Study Cookbook: Over 175 Whole Food, Plant-Based Recipes

LeAnne Campbell

This new edition of the bestselling 'The China Study Cookbook' puts the groundbreaking scientific findings of The China Study on your plate. Written by LeAnne Campbell, daughter of The China Study co-author T. Colin Campbell, 'The China Study Cookbook' is now expanded to feature even more delicious, easy-to-prepare plant-based recipes - with no added fat and minimal sugar and salt. All of LeAnne’s recipes follow three important principles: 1) optimal nutrition is based on eating foods, not taking supplements; 2) the closer foods are to their native states when eaten, the greater their long-term health benefits; and 3) choosing locally grown organic produce whenever possible maximizes nutritional value.

The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted – Revised and Expanded Edition

T. Collin Campbell

The revised and expanded edition of the bestseller that changed millions of lives. The science is clear. The results are unmistakable. You can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes just by changing your diet. More than 30 years ago, nutrition researcher T. Colin Campbell and his team at Cornell, in partnership with teams in China and England, embarked upon 'The China Study', the most comprehensive study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease. What they found when combined with findings in Colin's laboratory, opened their eyes to the dangers of a diet high in animal protein and the unparalleled health benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet. In 2005, Colin and his son Tom, now a physician, shared those findings with the world in 'The China Study', hailed as one of the most important books about diet and health ever written. Featuring brand new content, this heavily expanded edition of Colin and Tom's groundbreaking book includes the latest undeniable evidence of the power of a plant-based diet, plus updated information about the changing medical system and how patients stand to benefit from a surging interest in plant-based nutrition.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Vegan Living

Beverly Lynn Bennett

The definitive book on becoming a vegan—with recipes included. Becoming a vegan isn’t just about giving up animal products. It’s about making a lifestyle change. In 'The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Vegan Living', authors Beverly Lynn Bennett (known as the Vegan Chef) and Ray Sammartano provide a complete guide to living vegan-style, focusing on compassion for all, good health, and great eating. Inside, readers will find 50 sensational recipes, tips for everyday vegan living, the lowdown on vegan myths, and much more. One of the few titles that combines information on the vegan lifestyle with recipes. Being a vegan isn’t only about what you eat; this book also discusses clothing, cosmetics, etc.

The Cookbook For People Who Love Animals

Michael Klaper

The cook book for people who love animals 7th edition, first published in 1981. Over 300 totally vegetarian recipes from beginner to gourmet. No meat, no eggs, no dairy, no honey or sugar, no cholesterol and interspersed with inspirational quotes. Recipes for pets too.

The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery

Marjorie Spiegel

The Ecological Hoofprint

Tony Weis

The exploding global consumption of meat is implicated in momentous but greatly underappreciated problems, and industrial livestock production is the driving force behind soaring demand. Tony Weis explains clearly why the growth and industrialisation of livestock production is a central part of the accelerating biophysical contradictions of industrial capitalist agriculture. 'The Ecological Hoofprint' provides a rigorous and eye-opening way of understanding what this system means for the health of the planet, how it contributes to worsening human inequality, and how it constitutes a profound but invisible aspect of the violence of everyday life.

The End of Meat

Marc Pierschel

In 'The End of Meat', filmmaker Marc Pierschel embarks on a journey to discover what effect a post-meat world would have on the environment, the animals and ourselves. He meets Esther the Wonder Pig, who became an internet phenomenon; talks to pioneers leading the vegan movement in Germany; visits the first fully vegetarian city in India; witnesses rescued farm animals enjoying their newfound freedom; observes the future food innovators making meat and cheese without the animals, even harvesting “bacon” from the ocean, and much more.

The Game Changers

Louie Psihoyos & James Wilks

In this documentary film a UFC fighter's world is turned upside down when he discovers an elite group of world-renowned athletes and scientists who prove that everything he had been taught about protein was a lie.  

The Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook

Neal Barnard , Robyn Webb

In Dr Neal Barnard’s 'Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook', the country’s leading diabetes team weighs in on America’s hottest dietary trend. The cookbook is based on a landmark two-year study conducted by Dr Barnard, which showed that a vegan diet more effectively controls type 2 diabetes. In fact, it‘s also beneficial for weight loss, the reversal of heart disease, and the improvement of many other conditions. Dr Barnard and nutritionist Robyn Webb now offer easy, delicious meals to improve your health. Featuring 125 flavourful recipes, readers will find all-occasion dishes that use familiar ingredients and require minimal effort. All recipes are free of animal products, low in fat, and contain a low-to-moderate glycemic index. Barnard and Webb explain how diet changes can have such dramatic health effects and provide simple ways to get started. With convenient menus, scientifically proven advice, and inspiring stories from real people who have used Barnard’s recommendations to turn their health around, there’s no better cookbook to help you eat well and feel great.

The Great Agricultural Challenge

Bharat Mansata

‘Gandhi of Natural Farming’ challenges ‘Foster Father of India’s Green Revolution’. Veteran Natural Farmer, Bhaskar Save's Open Letters To M.S. Swaminathan, National Commission On Farmers. Addressing the mounting spate of farmers’ suicides - its roots and remedies - Bhaskar Save writes in his open letter to M S Swaminathan: “I am an 84-year old farmer with six decades of experience… I say with conviction that only by organic farming in harmony with Nature, can India sustainably provide abundant wholesome food and meet every basic need of all—to live in health, dignity and peace.” “You are the ‘father’ of India’s so-called ‘Green Revolution’ that flung open the floodgates of toxic agro-chemicals, ravaging the lands and lives of millions of Indian farmers over the past 40 years….” What follows is a devastating critique of the government’s agricultural policy, and an eloquent plea for urgent fundamental re-orientation. It reveals deep insights into the ground realities and wounded potential of Indian farming.

The How Not to Die Cookbook

Michael Greger

Dr. Michael Greger’s first traditionally published book, 'How Not to Die', presented the scientific evidence behind the only diet that can prevent and reverse many of the causes of premature death and disability. Now, 'The How Not to Die Cookbook' puts that science into action. From Superfood Breakfast Bites to Spaghetti Squash Puttanesca to Two-Berry Pie with Pecan-Sunflower Crust, every recipe in 'The How Not to Die Cookbook' offers a delectable, easy-to-prepare, plant-based dish to help anyone eat their way to better health. Rooted in the latest nutrition science, these easy-to-follow, stunningly photographed recipes will appeal to anyone looking to live a longer, healthier life. Featuring Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen - the best ingredients to add years to your life - 'The How Not to Die Cookbook' is destined to become an essential tool in healthy kitchens everywhere.

The Inner World of Farm Animals: Their Amazing Intellectual, Emotional, and Social Capacities

Amy Hatkoff, Jane Goodall , Wayne Pacelle

Chickens can count. Pigs are smarter than poodles. Cows form close friendships. Turkeys know one another by their voices, and sheep recognise faces - of other sheep, and of people. Far from lacking thoughts and feelings, barnyard creatures demonstrate sophisticated problem-solving abilities, possess rich social lives, and feel a wide range of emotions. In other words, they’re much like humans in countless ways. And, like us, they suffer physical pain and mental anguish. In 'The Inner World of Farm Animals', Amy Hatkoff combines the latest research on the emotional and intellectual capacities of farm animals with touching - and often surprising - stories to bring their inner world to life. Soulful photographs of cows, goats, lambs, and other barnyard animals complement the text, and add to the belief that these creatures deserve our attention. In this heartfelt book, Hatkoff joins the growing call for treating these sentient, aware beings with compassion and respect.

The Mcdougall Program: 12 Days to Dynamic Health

John A. McDougall

A national bestseller in hardcover, The McDougall Program is Dr. McDougall’s most comprehensive and practical health book to date, including recipes, medical advice, histories, and details of the revolutionary 12-day McDougall nutrition program that has helped thousands lose weight.

The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook

John A. McDougall

Over 300 delicious low-fat recipes you can prepare in fifteen minutes or less. By greatly simplifying the work involved in preparing healthy, exciting meals, bestselling authors Dr John McDougall and Mary McDougall continue to build upon the success of their acclaimed, low-fat McDougall Program books. In this latest edition, they share their secrets for lowering cholesterol, alleviating allergies, and dramatically reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes with food that is irresistible to the whole family. Featuring over 300 recipes that can be prepared in fifteen minutes or less, 'The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook' is the busy person’s answer to eating right. Discover shopping tips and cooking hints to save time, reduce fat, and make great-tasting meals. Learn the viable egg and dairy replacements to eliminate fat, cholesterol, and animal protein from your diet. And refer to the updated 'McDougall-Okayed Packaged and Canned Products' list. The economical, fast, and innovative recipes in 'The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook' help make good health and longer life easier than ever to achieve.

The Meat You Eat: How Corporate Farming Has Endangered America’s Food Supply

Ken Midkiff

'The Meat You' Eat exposes the risks corporations are taking with the health of people, animals, the environment, and the quality of rural life through the mass-production of meat, milk, eggs, and fish. These companies are endangering the lives of consumers and the quality of our food supply in the name of productivity and profit. Rather than advocate a vegan or vegetarian diet, author Ken Midkiff argues that using and supporting local farmers will improve our quality of life, as well as the animals whose meat we eat. Complete with resource sections about finding local farmers and lists of agribusiness players, 'The Meat You Eat' encourages us to take an active interest in what we put on our plates and in our mouths.

The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism

M. K. Gandhi

Vegetarianism should have that moral basis - that a man is not born a carnivorous animal, but born to live on the fruits and herbs that the earth grows.

The Natural Way of Farming: The Theory and Practice of Green Philosophy

Masanobu Fukuoka

This is an in-depth look at Fukuoka’s method of natural farming: the secrets of Fukuoka`s approach to farming the natural way; the theory and practice of working with nature, and living better for it. At once philosophical and down-to-earth, he takes us on a walk through healthy fields, and clearly explains how we can and must change our way of doing things if we are to make lasting peace with the earth and ourselves. The large format book includes many drawings, tables and photographs.

The No Meat Athlete Cookbook

Matt Frazier & Stepfanie Romine

Whole Food, Plant-Based Recipes to Fuel Your Workouts - and the Rest of Your Life. Plant-powered recipes to power you - perform better, recover faster, feel great! A fast-growing global movement, No Meat Athlete (NMA) earns new fans every day by showing how everyone from weekend joggers to world-class competitors can become even healthier and fitter by eating whole plant foods. Now 'The No Meat Athlete Cookbook' - written by NMA founder Matt Frazier and longtime health coach, yoga teacher, and food writer Stepfanie Romine showcases 125 delicious vegan recipes, many inspired by plant-based foods from around the world. Put nourishing, whole foods on the table quickly and affordably

The Oh She Glows Cookbook: Over 100 Vegan Recipes to Glow from the Inside Out

Angela Liddon

A self-trained chef and food photographer, Angela Liddon has spent years perfecting the art of plant-based cooking, creating inventive and delicious recipes that have brought her devoted fans from all over the world. After struggling with an eating disorder for a decade, Angela vowed to change her diet - and her life - once and for all. She traded the low-calorie, processed food she'd been living on for whole, nutrient-packed vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, and more. The result? Her energy soared, she healed her relationship with food, and she got her glow back, both inside and out. Eager to share her realisation that the food we put into our bodies has a huge impact on how we look and feel each day, Angela started a blog, ohsheglows.com, which is now an internet sensation and one of the most popular vegan recipe blogs on the web.

The One-Straw Revolution

Masanobu Fukuoka

Masanobu Fukuoka’s book about growing food has been changing the lives of readers since it was first published in 1978. It is a call to arms, a manifesto, and a radical rethinking of the global systems we rely on to feed us all. At the same time, it is the memoir of a man whose spiritual beliefs underpin and inform every aspect of his innovative farming system. Equal parts farmer and philosopher, Fukuoka is recognised as one of the founding thinkers of the permaculture movement. But when he was twenty-five, he was just another biologist taking advantage of the unprecedented development of post-war Japan. Then a brush with death shattered his complacency. He quit his job and returned to his family farm. Over the decades that followed, Fukuoka perfected his so-called “do-nothing” technique, a way of farming that dispenses with both modern agribusiness practices and centuries of folk wisdom, replacing them with a system that seeks to work with nature rather than make it over through increasingly elaborate – and often harmful – methods. Fukuoka developed commonsense, sustainable practices that all but eliminated the use of pesticides, fertiliser, tillage, and the wasteful effort associated with them – and his yields matched those of neighbouring factory farms. His farm became a gathering place for people from all over the world who wished to adapt his ways to their own local cultures. Now, more than thirty years after they were first published, Fukuoka’s teachings are more relevant and necessary than ever.

The Pig Who Sang to the Moon

Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson’s groundbreaking bestseller, 'When Elephants Weep', was the first book since Darwin’s time to explore emotions in the animal kingdom, particularly from animals in the wild. Now, he focuses exclusively on the contained world of the farm animal, revealing startling, irrefutable evidence that barnyard creatures have feelings too, even consciousness. Weaving history, literature, anecdotes, scientific studies, and Masson’s own vivid experiences observing pigs, cows, sheep, goats, and chickens over the course of five years, this important book at last gives voice, meaning, and dignity to these gentle beasts that are bred to be milked, shorn, butchered, and eaten. Can we ever know what makes an animal happy? Many animal behaviorists say no. But Jeffrey Masson has a different view: an animal is happy if it can live according to its own nature. Farm animals suffer greatly in this regard. From field and barn, to pen and coop, Masson bears witness to the emotions and intelligence of these remarkable farm animals, each unique with distinct qualities. Curious, intelligent, self-reliant – many will find it hard to believe that these attributes describe a pig. In fact, there is much that humans share with pigs. They dream, know their names, and can see colours. Mother cows mourn the loss of their calves when their babies are taken away to slaughter. Given a choice between food that is nutritious or lacking in minerals, sheep will select the former, balancing their diet and correcting the deficiency. Goats display quite a sense of humour, dignity, and fearlessness (Indian goats have been known to kill leopards). Chickens are naturally sociable – they will gather around a human companion and stand there serenely preening themselves or sit quietly on the ground beside someone they trust. For far too long farm animals have been denigrated and treated merely as creatures of instinct rather than as sentient beings. Shattering the abhorrent myth of the 'dumb animal without feelings,' Jeffrey Masson has written a revolutionary book that is sure to stir human emotions far and wide.

The Plant-Based Diet for Beginners: 75 Delicious, Healthy Whole Food Recipes

Gabriel Miller

Free from animal products, full of flavour―plant-based recipes for beginners Choosing a plant-based diet is good for your health, your wallet, and the environment. 'The Plant-Based Diet for Beginners' has dozens of tasty whole-food recipes for people who want to switch from eating meat, dairy, and eggs, to eating vegetables, whole grains, and other plant based foods. Whether your doctor encouraged you to eat a plant-based diet or you’re exploring a new way of eating, this cookbook has everything you need to get started. You’ll find nutritional information for each recipe, a guide to eating a plant-based diet even when you don’t want to cook, tips for stocking your kitchen, and more.

The PlantPure Nation Cookbook

Kim Campbell

As the film’s official companion cookbook, 'The PlantPure Nation Cookbook' brings this powerful, science-based approach to nutrition from the big screen to your kitchen with some of the same mouthwatering recipes that kick-started the revolution, promoting the health benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet. Author Kim Campbell is the daughter-in-law of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, co-author of The China Study and father of the modern plant-based nutrition movement. She is also a culinary contributor, recipe developer, and cooking instructor at Campbell Wellness, a health and wellness business. In 'The PlantPure Nation Cookbook', she shares more than 150 extensively tested, 100% plant-based recipes that she has created and cultivated over 25 years of vegan cooking

The Pornography Of Meat

Carol J. Adams

A provocative exploration of how women are literally treated like ‘pieces of meat’ in contemporary culture. From advertisements to T-shirts, from billboards to menus, from matchbook covers to comics, images of women and animals are merged – with devastating consequences. Like her groundbreaking 'The Sexual Politics of Meat', which has been published in two editions, 'The Pornography of Meat' uncovers startling connections: why pornography demonstrates such a fascination with slaughtering and hunting. Rear-entry poses in pornography, implying that women – especially women of colour – are like animals: insatiable. How meat advertising draws on X-rated images. Why at least one prominent animal-rights group is ‘in bed’ with pornographers. With 180 illustrations, this courageous and explosive book establishes why Adams’s slide show, upon which 'The Pornography of Meat' is based, is so popular on campuses across North America and is reviled by the groups she takes on with insight and passion. From the rise of chain steakhouses to the language of the hunt, from the halls of government to the practice of artificial insemination of farm animals, 'The Pornography of Meat' shows exactly how harm parades as fun to others.

The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook

Ann Crile Esselstyn & Jane Esselstyn

Hundreds of thousands of readers have been inspired to turn their lives around by Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn’s Jr.’s bestseller, 'Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease'. The plant-based nutrition plan Dr. Esselstyn advocates based on his twenty-year nutritional study - the most comprehensive of its kind - is proven to stop and reverse even advanced coronary disease, and is built on the message the Esselstyn family has lived by for years: your health is truly in your own hands, and what you eat matters. Mother-daughter team Ann and Jane Esselstyn have decades of experience developing delicious, healthful recipes for both their family and Dr. Esselstyn’s many grateful patients. Now, they combine their expertise to offer you the cookbook companion to Dr. Esselstyn’s groundbreaking book, with more than 125 easy and mouthwatering recipes, brimming with nourishment for your heart and your overall health. From their quick and easy meals like Fast Pasta and Greens and delicious “Sloppy Joes” to their indulgent desserts like their signature Kale Cake and Minty Frozen Chocolate Balls, these recipes will empower you to reclaim your health and discover the pleasures of eating plant-based.

The Raw Gourmet

Nomi Shannon

Whether you’d simply like to add more fruit and vegetables to your meals, or want to change your lifestyle in a more dramatic way, The Raw Gourmet is the complete guide to one of the world’s fastest growing nutrition and health movements-the living-foods diet.In the first book of its kind, Nomi Shannon opens a door onto a refreshing new world of food preparation…Learn how fresh, non-cooked fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains can boost your vitality while lighting up your palate. Try exotic dishes like chili rellenos, spinach mousse, and vegetable nori roll-ups. Or, on a more familiar note, serve up a living foods version of old favorites like pizza, tomato soup or apple pie. Whatever you choose, this book brings a rich variety of flavors and textures to your table and offers everything your body needs to stay healthy and vigorous.

The Raw Life : Becoming Natural In An Unnatural World

Paul Nison

This Book will help you learn about health and to achieve your goals. It will simply teach you the way to get the results you desire with the raw food diet. It's an easy book to understand why and how to eat with simple recipes to help you on your path. Many people who start out on a raw food diet have started with this book. Others who have been eating a raw diet for many years love the interviews in this book with long term raw fooders.

The Secret Life of Plants

Peter Tompkins & Christropher Bird

First published in 1973, this book continues to be a fascinating account of the physical, emotional and spiritual relations between plants and man. It includes remarkable information about plants as lie detectors and plants as ecological sentiments; it describes their ability to adapt to human wishes, their response to music, their curative powers, and their ability to communicate with man.

The Sexual Politics of Meat

Carol J. Adams

An examination of the historical, gender, race and class implications of meat culture, making the links between the practice of butchering/eating animals and the maintenance of male dominance. This tenth anniversary edition includes a new preface by Carol Adams that answers the question she is most often asked: why did you write this book? Adams also discusses new developments in feminist thought and animal rights, and updates the statistics and information provided.

The Sprouting Book: How to Grow and Use Sprouts to Maximize Your Health and Vitality (Avery Health Guides)

Ann Wigmore

Written for everyone who is interested in good nutrition at a low cost and with great taste, this highly practical and fully illustrated book provides readers with all the information necessary to start and maintain an indoor sprout garden. The book discusses a wide variety of sprouts and sprouting methods, explains the sprouts importance in a healthy diet and presents a wealth of simple and delicious recipes.

The Starch Solution : Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good!

Dr John McDougall, MD

A bestselling author's groundbreaking eating plan that challenges the notion that starch is unhealthy. In 'The Starch Solution', bestselling diet doctor and board-certified internist John A. McDougall, MD, and his kitchen-savvy wife, Mary, turn the notion that starch is bad for you on its head. 'The Starch Solution' is based on a simple swap: fueling your body primarily with carbohydrates rather than proteins and fats. This will help you lose weight and prevent a variety of ills. Dr McDougall grounds 'The Starch Solution' in rigorous scientific fact and research, giving readers easy tools to implement these changes into their lifestyle with a 7-Day Quick Start Plan and 100 delicious recipes. This book includes testimonials from among the hundreds Dr McDougall has received, including people who have lost more than 125 pounds in mere months as well as patients who have conquered life-threatening illnesses such as diabetes and cardiac ailments.

The Sunfood Diet Success System

/ Hardcover

Since its first publication, The Sunfood Diet Success System has been the definitive book on the raw food lifestyle. Now after more than seven years, David Wolfe has rigorously rewritten the entire bo.ok, beginning to end, in order to offer the most complete, up-to-date nutrition information possible. No where else will you find the kinds of empowering information and insight that is present on every page of this truly inspiring work.The Sunfood Diet Success System is a groundbreaking book in the field of raw-food nutrition. The book describes exactly how to adopt, maintain, and stay centered on an 80, 90, or 100% raw-food diet by balancing different types of foods through David Wolfe’s innovative Sunfood Triangle. Success is inevitable with day-by-day menu plans, delicious recipes, and the best information available on detoxification, fasting, mineralization and success technology all neatly bundled into one book.Each chapter is filled with inspiring quotes, facts, and tips. Dozens of beautiful, never-before-seen full-color images have been added to this brand-new edition, including many stunning Kirlian photographs. The Sunfood Diet Success System also includes a comprehensive listing of raw-food restaurants, healing retreats, and organizations. Be prepared for nothing less than total transformation!

The Thrive Diet: The Plant-Based Whole Foods Way to Staying Healthy for Life

Brendan Brazier

'The Thrive Diet' is a long-term eating plan that will help you achieve optimal health through stress-busting plant-based whole foods. It's an easy-to-follow diet that will help you understand why some foods create nutritional stress and how other foods can help eliminate it, giving you a lean body, sharp mind and everlasting energy. Fully researched and developed by Brendan Brazier, professional Ironman triathlete, 'The Thrive Diet' features: the best whole foods, over 100 easy-to-make recipes with raw food options that are all free of wheat, gluten, soy, corn, refined sugar and dairy, including exercise-specific recipes for pre-workout snacks, energy gels, sports drinks and recovery foods and easy-to-follow exercise plan that compliments 'The Thrive Diet'

The Ultimate Betrayal: Is There Happy Meat?

Hope Bohanec

Drawing on peer-reviewed research, worker and rescuer testimony, and encounters with the farm animals themselves, 'The Ultimate Betrayal' discusses the recent shift in raising and labelling animals processed for food and the misinformation surrounding this new method of farming. This book explores how language manipulates consumers' concepts about sustainability, humane treatment, and what is truly healthy. It answers important questions surrounding the latest small-scale farming fad. Is this trend the answer to the plentiful problems of raising animals for food? What do the labels actually mean? Are these products humane, environmentally friendly, or healthy? Can there really be happy meat, milk, or eggs? With case studies and compelling science, 'The Ultimate Betrayal' increases awareness of the issues surrounding our treatment of animals, global health, and making better food choices.

The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture

Wendell Berry

Since its original publication in 1977, 'The Unsettling of America' has been recognised as a classic of American letters. In it, Wendell Berry argues that good farming is a cultural development and spiritual discipline. But today's agribusiness takes farming out of its cultural context and away from families, and as a nation we are thus more estranged from the land - from the intimate knowledge, love, and care of it. Sadly, his arguments and observations are even more relevant than ever. We continue to suffer loss of community, the devaluation of human work, and the destruction of nature under an economics dedicated to the mechanistic pursuit of products and profits. Although "this book has not had the happy fate of being proved wrong," Berry writes, there are good people working "to make something comely and enduring of our life on this earth."

The Vegan Diet As Chronic Disease Prevention: Evidence Supporting the New Four Food Groups

Kerrie K. Saunders

The United States is one of the sickest nations on the planet. Despite our wealth, access to educational media, natural resources, and opportunity, most Americans accept atherosclerosis, cancer, hypertension, osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other degenerative chronic diseases as part of the normal aging process. Unfortunately, even our traditional “modern medicine” practitioners believe this misguided and bleak picture out of ignorance. This is because in a traditional curriculum, many physicians-in-training only receive one course in nutrition—the safest, most effective, and least expensive form of chronic disease prevention available. This one course is guided by the faulty 1992 “Food Pyramid” of the American Dietetic Association (ADA), which derived from the even more dangerous “Basic Four Food Groups” of 1956. In both cases, the approval of these dietary guidelines was a political rather than a medical decision, and recent scientific evidence has shown how these guidelines keep Americans sick rather than healthy.The Vegan Diet as Chronic Disease Prevention explores the mountain of evidence that suggests that a diet free of animal products can have radically beneficial effects on many conditions that affect vast numbers of Americans. Dr. Saunders provides an exhaustive list of references and sources in arguably the most comprehensive argument in print for the human health benefits of the vegan diet.

The Vegan Scoop: 150 Recipes for Dairy-Free Ice Cream that Tastes Better Than the “Real” Thing

Wheeler del Torro

Developed by vegan hipster Wheeler del Torro of Wheeler’s Frozen Desserts, these “faux” ice creams feature 100 percent vegan-certified ingredients, making them suitable for both vegans and those with lactose intolerance and other dairy aversions. And with each serving containing approximately 80 calories - nearly 100 calories fewer than a serving of traditional ice cream - you can indulge with peace of mind (and keep your trim waistline). Chapters are devoted to innovative flavour “inspirations,” and cover everything from Caribbean & Island Flavours to Healthy Flavours and Aphrodisiacal Flavours. You’ll also find two chapters full of recipes for toppings, sauces, sides, and other dessert accompaniments.

The Vegan Sourcebook

Joanne Stepaniak

Increasing numbers of people - including actress Drew Barrymore, pop star Moby, and actor Alec Baldwin - are embracing veganism, a lifestyle that entails avoiding all animal-based products and behaving ethically and conscientiously within our surroundings. In 'The Vegan Sourcebook', long-time activist Joanne Stepaniak further explores and illuminates the principles and practical aspects of compassionate living

The Violence of the Green Revolution

Vandana Shiva

Examines the impact of the first Green Revolution on the breadbasket of India. Documents the destruction of genetic diversity and soil fertility that resulted, and in highly original fashion shows how the Green Revolution also contributed to the acute social and political conflicts now tearing the Punjab apart..

The WFPB Cookbook: 100 Recipes to Enjoy the Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet 

Justin Weber

Welcome to the whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet, a celebration of fresh produce, whole grains, and rich natural flavour. 'The WFPB Cookbook' is bursting with tips and recipes to prove that you don’t need meat, artificial ingredients, or a ton of salt, oil, and sugar to enjoy food. Eating well doesn’t mean eating boring. From classic American comfort foods like mac and cheese and pizza to globally inspired cuisine like masoor dal and chickpea gyros, the dishes in this plant-based diet book showcase a variety of flavours and health benefits. Learn how to use WFPB ingredients to their full potential and enjoy simple meals that taste good - and are good for you.

They Shall Not Hurt or Destroy

Vasu Murti

One of the best-kept secrets of Judaism and Christianity is that both religions have rich traditions favouring vegetarianism. 'They Shall Not Hurt or Destroy' explores the many Judeo-Christian writers and leaders who have argued that God cares about all Creation, and so should we. The core values and teachings of these faiths, author Vasu Murti concludes, encourage plant-based eating.

Undo It! How simple lifestyle changes can reverse most chronic diseases

Dean Ornish

Dean Ornish, MD has directed revolutionary research proving, for the first time, that lifestyle changes can often reverse the progression of many of the most common and costly chronic diseases and even begin reversing aging at a cellular level. Medicare and many insurance companies are now covering Dr Ornish's lifestyle medicine program for reversing chronic disease because it consistently achieves bigger changes in lifestyle, better clinical outcomes, larger cost savings and greater adherence than have ever been reported - based on 40 years of research published in the leading peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals.

Vegan Cookbook: Whole-Foods, Plant-Based Recipes and Techniques

John Stone

Discover the incredible health benefits of going vegan with 'Vegan Cookbook' . Eating a vegan diet that is free of animal products requires creativity. For those who are exploring veganism for the first time, 'Vegan Cookbook' will inspire you to create filling and flavourful plant-based meals to please even the most skeptical carnivore. With more than 150 versatile vegan recipes, 'Vegan Cookbook' will let you experience the benefits of improved health and increased energy through eating vegan with recipes that are hearty, comforting, and nutritious. Going vegan is a smart choice for your body and the planet, and 'Vegan Cookbook' will take the guesswork out of cooking everyday vegan meals.

Vegan Delights: Gourmet Vegetarian Specialties

Jeanne Marie Martin

Yummy fare that’s good for you – perfect for all vegetarians, including vegans (people who eat no animal products at all), and for anyone moving toward a healthier lifestyle. Appetisers to desserts, with tips on whole grains, cooking oils (how cold is cold-pressed?), sweeteners, egg substitutes, proteins, and everything else the beginner or the expert needs to know.

Vegan for Life: Everything You Need to Know to Be Healthy on a Plant-Based Diet

Jack Norris & Virginia Messina

Are you considering going vegan, but not sure how to start? Are you already committed to an animal-free diet, but are unclear about how to get proper nutrients? 'Vegan for Life' is your comprehensive, go-to guide for optimal plant-based nutrition. Registered dietitians and long-time vegans Jack Norris and Virginia Messina debunk some of the most persistent myths about vegan nutrition and provide essential information about getting enough calcium and protein, finding the best supplements, and understanding the 'real deal' about organics, processed foods, raw foods, and more.

Vegan Freak: Being Vegan in a Non-Vegan World

Bob Torres

Curious about veganism? Want to be a vegan? Already a vegan? Just wondering how to be vegan without going insane? In this informative and practical guide on veganism, team Torres helps you love your inner vegan freak. Loaded with tips, advice, stories, and comprehensive lists of resources that no vegan should live without, this book is key to helping you thrive as a happy, healthy, and sane vegan in a decidedly non-vegan world. Witty, opinionated, and eminently useful.  

Vegan Inspiration: Whole food recipes for life

Vegan Chef Todd Dacey with Jia Patten

'Vegan Inspiration' presents the following: Delicious and fun vegan food recipes from many cultures; Straightforward information about healthy cooking practices; Advantages and ease of vegan, organic, raw, and detox diets; An extensive glossary of food products, ingredients, and resources; “Rainbow Fusion” cooking that supports health and spiritual practice; Colon cleansing, food combining, acid/alkaline balance, and much more…

Vegan Planet

Robin Robertson

With 400 recipes inspired by vegan cuisines around the world, 'Vegan Planet' introduces a variety of scrumptious meal options, from breakfasts to desserts, chock full of delicious, nutritious, and satisfying whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and proteins from plant sources. Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, or simply looking to eat healthier, 'Vegan Planet' is the perfect resource.

Vegan with a Vengeance: Over 150 Delicious, Cheap, Animal-Free Recipes That Rock

Isa Chandra Moskowitz

In 'Vegan with a Vengeance', Isa Chandra Moskowitz - cohost of the vegan cooking show, 'The Post Punk Kitchen' - brings the do-it-yourself, community-driven ethos of punk rock into the kitchen. Her cooking philosophy embraces being kind to animals (all recipes are completely animal-product free) and your wallet – while being creative and having fun in the process. She emphasises fresh ingredients over heavily processed corporate brand-name foods and says that, like good music, cooking is best when it’s an innovative, experimental, and completely real experience. Her inspired recipes – covering all meals of the day and influenced by dishes from around the world include: Asparagus and Sun-dried Tomato Frittata, Fresh Mango Summer Rolls, Pumpkin Waffles, Tofu Dill Salad Sammiches, Green Goddess Garlic Pizza, Sweet Potato Crepes with Cilantro, Tamarind Sauce, Brooklyn Pad Thai, Banana Split Pudding Brownies, Fauxstess Cups and Gingerbread Apple Pie Plus: – Lists of essential tools and post punk pantry items – Suitable substitutes for those without all the fancy kitchen gear and ingredients – Inventive twists on classic dishes – Handy resources for vegans and punks – The story of The Post Punk Kitchen – Rockin’ recipe intros and descriptions – Even fun facts and tips from Isa’s cat, Fizzle!

Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating

Erik Marcus

In this book, you will find the latest information about how what you eat affects your health, the environment, and the existence of the animals who share this planet. 'Vegan' explains clearly how simple but significant the switch to an all-plant diet can be. Adding weight to Marcus’s own arguments are in-depth discussions of ground-breaking work by these internationally respected experts: heart specialist Dr Dean Ornish, nutrition scientist T. Colin Campbell, weight loss expert Dr Terry Shintani,  vegetarian nutritionist Suzanne Havala, Farm Sanctuary founders Gene and Lorri Bauston, population analyst David Pimentel, mad cow expert Dr Stephen Dealler, and rangeland activist Lynn Jacobs

Veganissimo A to Z: A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying and Avoiding Ingredients of Animal Origin in Everyday Products

Reuben Proctor & Lars Thomsen

Substances obtained from animals are used everywhere - in food and other goods, in the production of food and goods, and (due to advances in biotech and genetic engineering) even in places they’ve never appeared before. Whether you already strive for a 100 % vegan lifestyle or just want to know what exactly is in the products you buy, this peerless, portable guide puts the power of knowledge at your fingertips. The product of years of exhaustive research by vegan authors Reuben Proctor and Lars Thomsen, 'Veganissimo A to Z' cuts through the vague and often misleading language on labels to reveal the sources, production and uses of over 2,500 ingredients

Vegetarian Judaism: A Guide for Everyone

Roberta Kalechofsky

A timely examination of the problems with meat from a Jewish perspective. Examines the historical Jewish dietary laws, and argues that vegetarianism today best fulfills the requirements of kashrut. Gives reasons for Jewish vegetarianism based on concern for human health, ethical considerations of animal welfare, environmental concerns, concern for poor people, and for the general welfare of the community.

Vice Cream: Gourmet Vegan Desserts

Jeff Rogers

It’s love at first bite! Until now, vegans and lactose-intolerants have missed out on perfect, rich, creamy ice cream, and have been left with bland, too-healthy-tasting alternatives. Who knew it was possible to create a satisfying ice cream–like dessert without the milk and cream? Jeff Rogers and his vice cream to the rescue! 'Vice Cream' offers more than 70 scrumptious recipes for all the vegans out there who’ve been missing scoop after scoop of mouthwatering ice cream. For the first time, you can make truly creamy and delectable ice creams using purely vegan ingredients - the milks come from nuts, the sweeteners are maple syrup and dates, and the flavours are just amazing. Recipes include favourites like chocolate, vanilla, chocolate chip, mocha, and peanut butter, as well as fresh fruit flavours like blueberry, raspberry, lemon, and strawberry, and many more. After your first spoonful, you’ll be astonished at just how tasty and rich this healthy alternative to the heaviness of "real” ice cream can be. With vice cream in the freezer, you’ll never yearn for milk-based ice cream again.

Warming Up to Living Foods

Elysa Markowitz

For a new expansion into health and well-being, 'Warming Up to Living Foods' serves up practical, easy-to-understand information about living foods cuisine. Living foods has most, if not all, of its enzymes. Contrary to myth, a living foods diet is not limited to cold salad but can be a blend of warmed, spiced and textured foods. Under the guidance of living foods expert Elysa Markowitz, the mystery surrounding this cuisine is laid to rest.

We Are The Weather

Jonathan Safran Foer

Climate crisis is the single biggest threat to human survival. And it is happening right now. We all understand that time is running out - but do we truly believe it? And, caught between the seemingly unimaginable and the apparently unthinkable, how can we take the first step towards action, to arrest our race to extinction? We can begin with our knife and fork. The link between farming animals and the climate crisis is barely discussed, because giving up our meat-based diets feels like an impossible ask. But we don't have to go cold turkey. Cutting out animal products for just part of the day is enough to change the world.

What The Health

Directed by Kip Andersen & Keegan Kuhn

Follow an intrepid filmmaker on a journey of discovery in this documentary film as he uncovers possibly the largest health secret of our time and the collusion between industry, government, pharmaceutical and health organisations keeping this information from us.

Who Cares About Animal Rights?

Michael Twinn / Hardcover

In One World, every living creature has its place, a right to life and a right to survival. Our love for animals is tempered by human need and self-interest. But is cruelty inevitable? Is it possible for human nature to change? 'Who Cares for Animal Rights?' gets to the core of issues which concern even the youngest children. Arlette Lavie’s illustrations enhance the text. For children ages 6-16 years.

Whole Food Cooking Every Day

Amy Chaplin

Eating whole foods can transform a diet; and mastering the art of cooking these foods can be easy with the proper techniques and strategies. In 20 chapters, Chaplin shares ingenious recipes incorporating the foods that are key to a healthy diet: seeds and nuts, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and other plant-based foods. Chaplin offers her secrets for eating healthy every day: mastering some key recipes and reliable techniques and then varying the ingredients based on the occasion, the season, and what you’re craving. Once the reader learns one of Chaplin’s base recipes, whether for gluten-free muffins, millet porridge, or baked marinated tempeh, the ways to adapt and customise it are endless: change the fruit depending on the season, include nuts or seeds for extra protein, or even change the dressing or flavouring to keep a diet varied. Chaplin encourages readers to seek out local and organic ingredients, stock their pantries with nutrient-rich whole food ingredients, prep ahead of time, and, most important, cook at home.

Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition

T. Colin Campbell

Nutritional science, long stuck in a reductionist mindset, is at the cusp of a revolution. The traditional 'gold standard' of nutrition research has been to study one chemical at a time in an attempt to determine its particular impact on the human body. These sorts of studies are helpful to food companies trying to prove there is a chemical in milk or pre-packaged dinners that is 'good' for us, but they provide little insight into the complexity of what actually happens in our bodies or how those chemicals contribute to our health. In 'The China Study', T. Colin Campbell (alongside his son, Thomas M. Campbell) revolutionised the way we think about our food with the evidence that a whole food, plant-based diet is the healthiest way to eat. Now, in 'Whole', he explains the science behind that evidence, the ways our current scientific paradigm ignores the fascinating complexity of the human body, and why, if we have such overwhelming evidence that everything we think we know about nutrition is wrong, our eating habits haven't changed. 'Whole' is an eye-opening, paradigm-changing journey through cutting-edge thinking on nutrition, a scientific tour de force with powerful implications for our health and for our world.

Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism

Melanie Joy PhD

Despite a penchant for melodrama, Joy (Strategic Action for Animals) offers an absorbing examination of why humans feel affection and compassion for certain animals but are callous to the suffering of others - especially those slaughtered for our consumption. She takes Eric Schlosser, Michael Pollan, and Jonathan Safran Foer’s well-trod route and investigates factory farming, exposing how cruelly the animals are treated, the hazards that meatpacking workers face, and the environmental impact of raising 10 billion animals for food each year. She uses her factory farm–to–table narrative to buttress her real thesis: meat-eating or carnism, is an oppressive ideology as noxious as racism. Joy casts meat eating as genocide, comparable to the Holocaust, and factory farming on par with the American enslavement of Africans. She might lose some readers in her zealotry, but there is great value in her contention that all systems of oppression depend on our ability to dissociate or find elaborate rationalisations to keep from recognising the suffering of a socially sanctioned inferior.  

World Livestock 2013: Changing Disease Landscapes

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Most of the new diseases that have emerged in humans over recent decades are of animal origin and are related to the human quest for more animal-source food. The report 'World Livestock 2013: Changing Disease Landscapes' examines the reasons behind this development and suggests ways of addressing the situation.

World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony

Will, Ph.D. Tuttle

Food is our most intimate and telling connection both with the living natural order and with our living cultural heritage. By eating the plants and animals of our earth, we literally incorporate them. It is also through this act of eating that we partake of our culture’s values and paradigms at the most primal levels. It is becoming increasingly obvious, however, that the choices we make about our food are leading to environmental degradation, enormous human health problems, and unimaginable cruelty toward our fellow creatures. Incorporating systems theory, teachings from mythology and religions, and the human sciences, 'The World Peace Diet' presents the outlines of a more empowering understanding of our world, based on a comprehension of the far-reaching implications of our food choices and the worldview those choices reflect and mandate. The author offers a set of universal principles for all people of conscience, from any religious tradition, that they can follow to reconnect with what we are eating, what was required to get it on our plate, and what happens after it leaves our plates. 'The World Peace Diet' suggests how we as a species might move our consciousness forward so that we can be more free, more intelligent, more loving, and happier in the choices we make.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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