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Proteinaholic: How our obsession with meat is killing us and what we can do about it

An acclaimed surgeon specialising in weight loss delivers a paradigm-shifting examination of the diet and health industry’s focus on protein, explaining why it is detrimental to our health, and can prevent us from losing weight.
Whether you are seeing a doctor, nutritionist, or a trainer, all of them advise to eat more protein. Foods, drinks, and supplements are loaded with extra protein. Many people use protein for weight control, to gain or lose pounds, while others believe it gives them more energy and is essential for a longer, healthier life. Now, Dr Garth Davis, an expert in weight loss asks, “Is all this protein making us healthier?”
The answer, he emphatically argues, is no! Too much protein is actually making us sick, fat, and tired, according to Dr Davis. If you are getting adequate calories in your diet, there is no such thing as protein deficiency.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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