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Organic Revolution

This remarkable story demolishes the myth that organic farming can never feed the world! It does far more. Holistically adopted, it revitalises society, enhances the environment and safeguards future generations. In the current raging debate over rapid urban-industrial uprooting of farmers, here is one example that India, China, and the rest of the world can no longer ignore. Cuba’s Organic Revolution began suddenly, under compulsion. A decade later, in 1999, the Swedish Parliament presented the Right Livelihood Award, or ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’, to GAO, the Cuban Organic Farming Association – for “showing that organic agriculture is a key to both food security and environmental sustainability.” Its economy, health, education, energy efficiency, water security, are all big gainers. In 2006, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Global Footprint Network declared Cuba is the only country on earth to achieve sustainable development! The American Journal of Public Health reported a 45% decline in cardiovascular diseases. Cuba’s bio-diverse agro-ecology and forest cover exceeding 25% also counter global warming.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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