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Dead Zone: Where the Wild Things Were

Most of us are aware that many animals are threatened by extinction – the plight of creatures such as polar bears, tigers, and whales has been well publicised. While this is typically attributed to climate change and habitat destruction, few people realise that there is a direct link to consumer demand for cheap meat.
Some may see intensive farming as a necessary evil. After all, we need to produce more food for a growing global population and are led to believe that squeezing animals into factory farms and growing crops in vast, chemical-soaked prairies is efficient and leaves land free for wildlife – but this is far from the truth. With the limits of the planet’s resources now seemingly within touching distance, awareness is growing about how the wellbeing of society depends on a thriving natural world. Through the lens of a dozen iconic and endangered species, ‘Dead Zone’ examines the role of industrial farming in their plight and meets the people doing something about it.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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