What can be done for irregular periods?

Hormonal Health, Plant-Based Health

Today, there is a high incidence of hormonal problems like diabetes, hypothyroidism, PCOD/PCOS, infertility, breast and prostate cancer. Hormones are all connected and are orchestrated by the pituitary glands. When we take in external hormones through our food our hormonal balance shifts. Animal source foods, especially dairy, are full of hormones, whereas foods meant for humans like fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds do not have hormones. To add to this, we ingest a lot of chemicals through non-organic produce, or personal and household products and from our environment. Chemicals act as hormone disruptors.

To normalise periods, we need to first bring the hormones into balance. This can be done by eliminating the chemicals and external hormones in our lives.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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