The truth is that cow’s milk causes disease.
Each mammal species produces milk specific to the needs of its baby and not for any other species. Dairy milk is a complete food for the calf but neither a complete nor a natural food for humans.
Although dairy has been considered vegetarian it does not come from a plant, and animals are killed when they can no longer produce milk. Therefore, it is not really vegetarian.
We can get enough proteins, calcium and minerals from the same source that cows get them – plants. But milk lacks one important ingredient for human health that all plants have – fibre.
Cow’s milk is far from a superfood for humans because it’s high in fat and cholesterol, and is full of hormones. It can cause hormonal issues such as premature puberty, hypothyroidism, PCOD, diabetes, prostate enlargement, obesity, infertility and can promote breast, prostate and ovarian cancers.
Plant-based milks made at home are far less expensive than cow’s milk, but the real savings come in the form of health.