SHARAN/Calcium/If I stop drinking dairy milk, will I get osteoporosis?

If I stop drinking dairy milk, will I get osteoporosis?

Calcium, Dairy Milk, Plant-Based Health

It is the other way around – if you stop drinking dairy milk, you will avoid getting osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is brittle bones or lack of calcium in the bones. If you know anyone with osteoporosis, you will also know that they have been consuming milk or milk products all their life, yet they developed the disease.

The main reasons for osteoporosis are acidic food and lack of vitamin D. Our body is alkaline and when we have acidic food, our body leaches calcium out of the bones to neutralise the acid. Acidic food includes all high protein foods like animal products apart from tea, coffee, sugar and aerated drinks etc.

Dairy milk has calcium but it is also high in protein and therefore depletes more calcium than it gives the body. In fact, countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are also the highest consumers of dairy.

So, to avoid osteoporosis, stop taking all high protein acidic food and switch to a whole food plant-based diet and check your vitamin B12 and D levels.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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