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How many nuts can I eat in a day?

Oils & Fats

We should eat as nature designed us to eat. Nature packs nuts in hard shells so we cannot eat too much. Without tools, if you were to sit under a tree and crack open the nuts with a stone how many would you eat? Probably not more than 10 almonds or 10 walnuts at a time. This indicates that humans are not meant to eat them in large quantities. Also, they are high in fat (but zero cholesterol). However, since they are whole and delicious and serve as a source of natural fat, we can have a maximum of 10 of any one or combination of nuts per day. Not more. This does not apply to peanuts as they are not nuts, but legumes. We can often answer questions like these for ourselves if we were to think about what nature’s plan is.


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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