+91 9769117747

Vandana Tiwari

Vandana had a hypothyroid problem, where she was advised life-long medication. She was searching for a natural cure since a long time. She came to know about SHARAN and learnt about the plant based diet. She started attending all the possible cooking classes, movie screenings, seminars and potlucks, which were organised by the SHARAN team in Mumbai. As she equipped herself with the knowledge and implemented it in her life, within six months her thyroid levels improved and the doctor reduced her medication. Her acidity was completely gone and she lost seven kilos too! Within two years, her thyroid medications have been totally stopped.

Before & After - Vandana

A wonderful cook and a mother to two demanding boys, Vandana started experimenting a lot in the kitchen. She came up with innovative ways to make so many things including raagi noodles from scratch, oil-free pickles, baked samosas, whole wheat bread and more. Inspired by the changes she felt, coupled with her passion for cooking, Vandana now conducts amazing cooking classes for SHARAN.

Upcoming Events


19th Mar 2025



2nd Sep 2025


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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