SHARAN offers holistic nutrition consultations in person and via Skype/phone by nutritionists, dieticians and doctors. These are useful for anyone who is interested in preventing and reversing diseases, through whole plant based nutrition. The goal is to test, and scientifically reduce medications so that each patient can reach their highest health potential.
This requires understanding of the patient’s background, and guiding him/her in the simplest way possible to make changes to get well. It also means advising tests, checking results and reducing medications knowledgeably so that the patient can be free of the medications eventually. It also requires explaining to patients about methods of cooking and creating an individualised meal plan for them according to SHARAN standards and specifications.
This workshop is a focussed training for nutritionists, dieticians and doctors who would like to hold consultations in plant based nutrition
After the training you may do consultations for SHARAN according to specific guidelines as well as use this knowledge to consult with your own patients.
Time: 9.00 am – 6.00 pm.
Google map: click here
Contribution: Rs 20,000 Per Person.
Early Bird Discount: Rs 15,000 Per Person till 5th Jan 2017.
Note*: Please deposit cash or cheque before the Early Bird date ends (midnight), or else full rate(s) will be applicable.
Please complete the application form and email it to Once you are accepted, please make the payment: Rs 15,000 per person through online or deposit cash or a cheque directly to our account by depositing in your local ICICI bank. The cheque must be in favour of A/c Name: SHARAN and our bank details are Account Type: Current, Bank Name: ICICI Bank, A/c No. 000405113393, Branch: Nariman Point, Mumbai, IFSC Code: ICIC0000004.
Contact: Shreya Singhania 09820947564, Reyna Rupani 9820188871, Anjali 9167572123.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellation before the early bird attracts full refund towards another program. Cancellation after the early bird attracts 75% refund. No refund on the day of the event.