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Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM)

An educational organization advocating a plant-based diet and humane treatment of farmed animals through a variety of grassroots programs. Since its beginning in 1976 and official formation in 1981, FARM has launched a variety of grassroots campaigns in pursuit of our mission: World Farm Animals Day (1983), Great American Meatout (1985), Gentle Thanksgiving, CHOICE School Lunch (1991), Letters from FARM (1994), Sabina Fund (1997), Veggies for Ecology (Earth Day), and Plant-Based Hunger Solutions. These reflect FARM’s strategy of pursuing dietary and agricultural reforms on the local, national and international levels simultaneously. In addition, FARM conducts movement-wide programs, like the Animal Rights National Conference. Every year between 1981 and 1987, then in 1997, and every year since 2000, FARM has been organizing national conferences that turn concerned individuals into effective animal rights advocates.”


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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