+91 9769117747

ADAPTT (Animals Deserve Absolute Protection Today and Tomorrow)

ADAPTT is an ethical vegan organization established in 1996. We are unequivocally opposed to the meat, dairy, egg and honey/pollen industries in every way imaginable. ADAPTT’s other goals are to assist in the abolition of vivisection, dissection, circuses, rodeos and other forms of enslavement, exploitation, abuse and murder. We are uncompromisingly opposed to the bloodsport of hunting and the wearing of animal skin (fur, leather, wool, silk and down). If society can change its selfish, arrogant, egotistical and ignorant ways, we can end the unnecessary bloodshed, malicious treatment and injustices that animals endure. Be sure to check out ‘The most important speech you will ever hear’ by founder Gary Yourofsky


Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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