+91 9769117747

Health In Your Hands



Mr & Mrs Bhagwan Babur have suffered from blood pressure, diabetes, weight issues and many other health problems over the years! And simply by attending a one hour talk in Mumbai (India), they learnt and understood that the cause of all these illnesses was food. They also realized that food is our real medicine.

Today without any medications, only by changing their food intake, they are able to live a healthier and a better life. This is why they would like to invite you, with your family and friends to attend a one hour presentation by Mitsu Bhatia, in order for you to experience what they have. (Children above the age of 16 are welcome).

Time: 8 pm to 8:30 pm – Registration and snacks.
8:30 pm to 9:30 pm  – Presentation plus Q&A.

Entry: Free.

Google Map: Babur Villa, Mitho Dhar.           

Presenter: Mitsu Bhatia.

Kindly pre-register on 04 – 3746292 / 050 4811783 / babur@cosmosinsurance.com

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Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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