+91 9769117747

The Connection – Mind Your Body (Film Screening)



Khula Manch and SHARAN are excited to bring screenings on Food and Health. For the next 3 months, we will try to do as many screenings as possible around this theme in Bangalore. We are sure along with these screenings we are going to have some insightful discussions and lot of take away.

First in the series is this documentary called “The Connection“.

After being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease at the age of 24, Australian journalist and filmmaker Shannon Harvey was told if her disease progressed she could end up with organ failure or wheelchair bound. Doctors couldn’t offer an explanation as to why her immune system was attacking her own body. There was one thing she did know. When she was stressed, she got worse. Shannon sought answers in pioneering science and discovered a powerful connection between the state of her mind and her potential for recovery. She soon realized that in order to change her health she needed to change her mind.

The film features a line-up of internationally recognized experts including cutting edge scientists Dr. Herbert Benson (‘The father of modern mind body medicine’) and Dr. Dean Ornish (‘One of the 50 most influential members of his generation’). It includes integrative medical experts like Dr. Andrew Weil (‘America’s most trusted MD’) and renowned meditation teacher Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn (Credited for bringing mindfulness to the west).

The film also includes remarkable true stories of people adding mind body medicine to their healing toolkit to recover from severe back pain, heart disease, infertility, cancer and multiple sclerosis.

At a time when one in two people will be diagnosed with a chronic disease in their lifetime and the global cost of healthcare for chronic illness is in the trillions, The Connection is for people who have tried everything. It offers answers and proves that you can change your mind, change your health and change your life.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oke17WPcCLM

Time: 5:00PM

Click here to get the google map direction for venue.

This is a free event. Click here to enroll yourself.

Contact: Sushil – 9741188993

Running Tme: 73 mins

RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/870670789667229/

Event flyer



Sanctuary for Health And Reconnection to Animals and Nature

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